Searching for a baby

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"From now on, Yang Jeongin won't be part of Stray Kids anymore. You will continue your activities as seven and you are kindly asked to delete his phone number from your contact list. You can have it from him again if he signs another contract as a soloist here at JYP Ent." said the manager as soon as all the members were sitting in the meeting room.

"But... he isn't... where is he? I didn't mean to... I swear..." Chan couldn't finish a sentence, words had no meaning in his head, trying so hard not to slip from the emotions in his head.

Felix was crying along with Seungmin, while the leader tried his best to keep his composure. Looking at the other members he could see the hurt in Hyunjin and Jisung's eyes, Changbin's emotionless face, Minho's betrayed look.

"So the meeting was only to say this? Well I ain't deleting his number and you ain't taking my phone to do so" announced Minho, angry. Everyone knew this was the way the dancer dealt with his emotions, but in this moment it wasn't the best thing to do. Chan knew this and tried to calm him down, forcing himself to not slip.

"Minho, please. It's his choice." Minho death glared him, making the leader curl a bit in himself.

"It's all my fault. I didn't notice how unwell he was feeling" cried Felix. Chan knew this wasn't true at all. He was the leader, so he should've protected the younger. Yet he didn't, and now Jeongin wouldn't be with them anymore.

"Lixxie it's not your fault. It's mine. I was stupid and didn't understand what was happening. I insulted him and didn't let him explain anything"

"It's no one's fault. Now we gotta find him though. Where could he be?" asked Minho, who had no intentions of staying there crying in front of their manager.

"Let's ask the other groups if they saw him. It's the best choice" said Changbin, already at the door.

After saying goodbye to the manager, Chan left, barely looking at his dongsaengs. Running to the nearest bathroom he cried and cried. Harsh sobs were shooking his body, making him hiccup and gasp for air. His head started spinning and the boy knew he had to calm down, or else he would've passed out. He knew well the signals, and luckily, he knew what to do. At first, he was hesitant, but then he looked around. He was in a locked bathroom stall, no one could see him. Slowly his thumb made his way to his mouth, and a few minutes later Chan was completely in control of his breathing again. But then he heard a voice.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick Lixxie, I will come back, I promise" It was Hyunjin. Felix sniffled and mumbled something that Chan didn't hear, then the door of a nearby stall was opened and closed, signalling that someone entered it. Chan took it as an opportunity to run away, quickly washing his hands and face with iced water before running towards Itzy's dorm, the closest to where he was in that moment.

The boy felt empty again when Lia told him Jeongin had left the building. He didn't know where to search for him now, but he couldn't give up now. I didn't find Jeongin, but maybe someone else did, thought Chan, quickly running to his own dorm, heart filling with a tiny bit of hope.

Soon Seungmin announced a group meeting. Chan was surprised, as this type of meeting was usually called for emergencies or negative things. Nonetheless, a few minutes later everyone was gathered in the living room. It was so silent one could hear a pin drop.

"I want to leave the group" announced Seungmin nervously. He was looking at everyone, trying to see their reactions. Chan shook his head. He didn't want to believe it. Felix jumped up and ran to his room, slamming his door hard. Chan flinched hearing the unexpected noise. Everyone could hear the dancer cry in the other room, but no one dared to follow him. 

"Why?" asked Jisung, his voice cracking lightly.

"I don't want to be a burden anymore" explained Seungmin, to which Chan felt himself get angry. He wasn't a burden, not at all, but Jeongin had to hate on him and make him insecure.

"You aren't a burden, and what Jeongin said is not true. You yourself know it but you don't accept it" shouted the leader, frustrated. Seungmin flinched slightly but didn't answer, instead leaving the dorm slowly, as if a part of him didn't actually want to leave. Chan felt tears form in his eyes, looking at the others one by one before leaving the dorm to follow the younger.


I'm back, I'm back! Phew, I'm here. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it describes 'Second one leaving' (from Babies) from Chan's POV ^^

So my anxiety got worse and now I kinda can't look at people in the eyes a lot... it's becoming a problem ngl 

also, I think I slipped during my school trip? like i can't remember a lot but my friend said I apparently threw candies at the coach we were on cause I wanted to feed it (?)


✨anyways✨ please vote and comment, maybe follow? 👉👈 thanxx

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