No more

343 14 5

**warning: contains mentions of s3lf h4rm (not explicitly), su1c1d4l 7h0ugh7s (not explicitly), bl00d**

"I don't wanna do this anymore hyung, I can't do it anymore. I'm the leader for God's sake, I need to take care of them" cried Chan one day sitting on BamBam's lap in his studio.

A week passed since Woojin left. Everyone was sad of course, but the leader was absolutely devastated, venting to his best friend whenever the two met. The younger hated how his little side was always trying to appear these days, and since there was now only one person left who knew about it, the leader often complained about how he didn't want to be little anymore but couldn't stop.

"I know you don't want to, but you need to take better care of yourself. You don't want to go back to those days, right?" asked BamBam. Both of them knew what the older was referring to. There had been times where the younger would release his anger on himself, causing him to have many mental breakdowns afterwards. Not a lot of time had passed since then, the boy was in a slightly better place mentally but that didn't mean he was ok at all and this was only confirmed when Chan, instead of denying, just lowered his head and started sobbing.

BamBam quickly hugged the boy, instantly regretting his words. He should've predicted that the boy's mental wound was far from even starting to heal.

"Big Channie aways makes bwood come fwom hewe" crying Chan pointed to his arms.

"Bammie knows small one, he just can't help it at the moment" tried to explain the caregiver.

"I hate big Channie! He aways say smaww Channie i' bad an' dumb" exclaimed Chan.

"That's not good baby. We don't hate on people, remember? I know for sure that big Channie doesn't hate you, he's just confused and sad. But what do we do when we're sad baby?"

"Go to Bammie an' teww him" answered the little, a bit sad for being scolded.

"I'm not mad at you baby" continued BamBam noticing the younger's pout. "You just need to remember that big Channie is having a very hard time, so please don't be mad at him. He's trying his best"

The younger nodded, still thinking about something.

"Wanna watch a movie small one?" offered BamBam, seeing that the little was still lost in his thoughts. He's probably still thinking about my words, thought BamBam, cursing himself for being so careless.

"We watch Bambi please?" asked politely Chan before snuggling in his caregiver's chest, making him chuckle.

"Ok, let's watch Bambi then" BamBam sat on the leader's spinny chair in front of the computer screen and turned the laptop on before picking up his little and placing him on his lap.

However, doing this BamBam involuntarily pressed on one of Chan's arms, making him hiss in pain and instantly get out of his headspace.

"I'm sorry small one, Bammie didn't mean to" apologized the older.

"It's okay, I'm not little anymore" muttered Chan, arm still hurting where his friend touched it.

"Well then I think it's time to talk" decided BamBam.

"I don't want to talk" stated the younger, looking down and shaking his head no.

"Too bad, we'll have a serious talk now. We really need to sort some things out" announced the oldest, almost dragging his friend to the small couch in a corner of the studio and making him forcefully sit down.

"You said you would stop" started BamBam, dead serious.

"Stop what? Bam, I'm not in the mood for this type of talks"

"Too bad, I wasn't asking you if you wanted to have a talk, I was telling you we need to talk. And both of us know what I'm talking about" continued the oldest with a stern tone.

Chan just huffed, making the other sigh.

"I never told you I would stop" defended himself the youngest, not looking at his friend.

But with just one disappointed look BamBam got the other to break down again.

"I'm so- sorry, I- pro- mised but I just- can't" sobbed Chan hugging the older.

"I know it's hard, I know. Maybe we should go back to the times where we had a day a week only for us?" suggested BamBam.

"No, I can't. I need to take care of the boys" denied Chan. As much as he wanted to, he was used to put his team before himself.

"We talked about this before! You should take care of yourself before caring for others" pointed out the oldest.

"I'll try to" With that Chan exited the studio, leaving his friend alone.



THERE! Here's the proof that everything's fine, I'm still writing so yeah don't report me to Wattpad again, whoever tf did it, like I get you were trying to do smtg good but don't. No offense but mind your own business pls

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