The start of everything

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What do you think when you look at Stray Kids' leader? When he's on stage, most prople would describe him as powerful, but also cute at times. While in his daily life, STAYs would probably assume he lives like a normal person sharing a dorm with seven other people. But people don't know what happened before, how Chan suffered alone before meeting the boys who became his lifesaver. How Chan used to cope with the negative thoughts before Seungmin, his bandmate, his friend, outed himself as a little. The thing is, Chan was an age regressor just like him, but he was so insecure about himself that the thought of telling the members his secret was unbearable.

What if they hate me?

What if they think I'm just jealous?

And so the leader hid from his group, finding safety in his best friend's arms, who since the start accepted him.

Accepted the fact that he was a little.

BamBam was Chan's best friend, he had been since they met. They were trainees together. They were each other's safety. But when BamBam debuted with his group, GOT7, Chan felt hopeless. Again, a friend was leaving him, just like others before. Chan was wondering what was he doing wrong, what he could do better to show his boss he could debut too. But this time, the boy was wrong. He thought his best friend was leaving, but actually BamBam stayed next to the boy even if his schedule was full of things to do. He stayed next to Chan even if the boy didn't want him. And he stayed next to Chan when the younger finally found the courage to out himself as a little.

BamBam immediately started to take care of him, learning more and more things about his little personality. They agreed to meet once a week at the younger's studio, sometimes to do fun things together, sometimes just to cuddle, it depended on how the little was feeling. If he had a bad day, he would send a text message to his friend with a baby bottle emoji, and the older would understand that he wanted to slip. In those cases, BamBam would heat up some milk in a baby bottle he bought for his little and prepare to understand the boy's needs without the younger speaking. Chan was mostly non-verbal when little, and even though BamBam didn't know if he was only shy or slipped to a really young age where he couldn't speak, he accepted it, always praising him when he talked, even if it was just a few words.

The two boys' relationship remained like that for half a year or so, before Chan's boss called him one day, to tell him he was chosen to help some trainees debut. Together eight boys introduced themselves to Chan, who didn't fail to notice that one of the boys had a strong Australian accent. Then he learned that his name was Felix and came from Australia two months ago. His Korean was still basic language, but Chan didn't mind.

"These are the boys you will train. You will be their leader, guiding them and teaching them what they need to know. Let me know when you think you are ready to debut. Chan?" called Park Jinyoung, their boss, to capture said boy's attention, who immediately turned his head to look at him.

"You deserve this, Chan, you worked so hard until now" exiting the room Jinyoung smiled at the boy.

"So..." started Chan, awkward.

"We should probably come up with a name for the group" suggested a cute guy with braces, Jeongin.

"Uhh... yeah we can do that" agreed the leader after a moment of hesitation.

"Any ideas?" asked Chan, after some moments of silence.

"What about 'Stray Kids'?" asked Felix in English.

"We are still young, so we're technically kids, and our fans will be our home to go when we feel lost" explained the freckled boy.

"That sounds like a good name" approved the leader, before translating to the others.

After he finished talking, everyone cheered and immediately agreed, and just like that the name was quickly chosen.

Stray Kids.

Together the boys trained, learned and prepared for debuting. They laughed together, they cried together, they ate and slept together in a small dorm which was big enough only for six people. But no one cared, they were together. Nine or none. That became their motto. Nine or none, everyone or no one. The boys helped each other to get better. Everyone got a position in the group. Three vocalists, three dancers and three rappers. Vocal-racha, dance-racha and 3racha. Together the group got better every day, until after a year of training Chan could proudly tell they were ready.

Author's note: sorry for removing the first chapter, I wanted to delete some scenes and add more important things. From now on I will dedicate a chapter to every person that either in this book or my other one commented or showed support/people that inspired me to write and continue this story

Soo... first chapter dedicated to

💝 cuddlepilefics
💝 Kai_H7en8ng



BabiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora