Ch 3 Insanely PEA-BRAINED

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Potassium - So, girl from Glace. Do you not know you should come in 2 braids

I - no, I didn't.

Potassium - Students from Glace are like this. Huh (attitude) From tomorrow onwards come in 2 braids.

I - ok.

Potassium went back to her seat, criticised me more for god knows what cause I was busy recalling the mental asylum's number to give her on my way back.

That class finally ended after what felt like an eternity
And the rest of the day passed, somehow

The next day, I woke up early just to craft the elusive "two braids." But, my hair had other plans, with rebellious strands staging a daring escape onto my forehead, defying my best efforts. It was a battle of wills, with my hair emerging as the mischievous winner, leaving me to face the day with a slightly lopsided and decidedly imperfect hairstyle.

At the school Assembly

As I stood in the school assembly, trying to blend in like a chameleon at a disco, Potassium's gaze felt more intense than a spotlight on a Broadway stage piercing through my soul. Was I the star of her personal hair critique show?

After the prayer and pledge, She came to me took one look from top to bottom and gave an evil grin. 

Potassium - Girl, what is this (touching my stubborn hair, which refused to stay put)

I - Two braids as asked.

Potassium - But why is your hair on your forehead?

I - (is she dumb or something, do people grow hair in eyes if not on forehead) cause I ha-

Potassium - oh wanna grab everyone's attention, huh? This girl ahhhhh (frustrated) 

                     Wanna go around being a heroine.

I - (stunned)(how can she even think that with literally the same haircut) No I had-

Potassium - clip these up, don't you know the rules?  No hair on forehead.

My thoughts - Is she insane or something, she has literally the same hairstyle.

-This zany rule, who made this, do you want me to go bald?

-And why would I grab attention, I don't even like it. Doesn't she know something like introverted people.

She then left me but spread the word around that the new girl KIN GLUE wants to grab attention. It actually spread like wildfire. I'll tell you a secret all the teachers here were the Queens of gossip.

Now every teacher around thought I was dying for attention and everyone resented me.

Here I actually was receiving unwanted attention from other students. Compliments, confessions and chocolate of course.

This pissed someone off
Guess who?


Yaa they were so called famous for nothing, but now I was the Queen bee of the school.
It's not like I'm receiving attention the 1st time. But from the whole school, it was.

The very next day I decided to do Dutch braids. So the hair doesn't come out. Well I told my parents about it too and they had a good laugh on it and told me to brush these petty things off. They were right why be bothered by a football after all and I know I'm not even close to what she said.

In the assembly

Again she came to me and grabbed me by the hair and shouted like a maniac "what is this?"

I - Two braids with no flings coming out.(Stern)

Potassium - No hairstyles allowed in the school premises, don't you understand?

I - ( what the freaking weirdo. What does she want, sodium Chlorine and 13 other girls did the same hairstyle but no, out of all, she will target me)

I - but if I don't do this, my hair will come out.

Potassium - I don't know anything, I want your hair without styles and tucked in.

She actually doesn't know anything.Even she teaches us computer from someone else's notes and Pdfs.A total dummy.
I know what you're thinking she's a headless freak but believe me it's just the starter the main course is still unserved.

Despite the hair drama, I couldn't help but find the situation hilariously absurd. It was like living in a soap opera where every day brought a new episode of "THE PEA-BRAINED FOOTBALL AND THE CAPTIVATING PRINCESS"

This is all messed up, I told my parents and we talked for an hour on this topic. Finally the conclusion was to Ignore.

Well, I was calm and comfortable around my parents and my "Zany" brother. But on the other side I didn't know school had something else for me to cop.

Id, ring, having a mouth to speak, sports arena, corridor, princi, lectures, people notice you, you cheated, Allergies, shoe lace, rumour, just because you're beautiful, attitude, rude, ignorant and many other things coming up.

A/N - I know it sounds overwhelming after I named all of them but there's a twist in the story, It all happened in just 3 months. So, Stay on board to swim though the cyclone of 'Abyss Ink'

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