Ch 2 umm, why grumpy miss?

13 4 0

I - oh finally, I stumbled upon people with the same interests.

Suddenly, like a genie from a K-pop bottle, 'Mercury' materialized out of thin air.

Mercury - You're an army, me too! Who's your bias?

I - I'm OT7, but my current bias is Tae-hyung. And you?

Mercury - Same, but Jungkook.

Chlorine - Jungkook.

Now, finding an empty seat behind a girl who looked like she was auditioning for the role of 'Queen of Ice,' I sat down.

Then, out of nowhere, that 'uncle boy' popped the question that made me want to sink through the floor until I reached the Earth's core.

"Why do condoms have dots?" he asked, as if we were discussing the latest science project.

Seriously? This is a school, not a late-night talk show!

Chlorine, without missing a beat, chimed in, "For more pleasure."

I swear, can I just dig a hole and bury them both, like forever?

I was officially done with this new "nowhere." No people, no buildings, and I left my dimwitted but friends behind.

Just when I was contemplating my existence, Sodium, like the designated seating agent, asked me to partner up with the frosty girl in front of me since we were both loners.

We shuffled off to the assembly ground for the usual morning rituals—prayer, pledge, thought, news, etc. Then, it was time for our weekly 45-minute exercise session. (Thank the K-pop gods for the regular uniform I wore and not the special exercise Wednesday uniform, perfect for blending in and avoiding any unnecessary physical exertion.)

The rest of the day passed in a blur of adjusting and awkward introductions.

In our class of 16, including me of course, our homeroom teacher was on leave, so Ester, our language teacher, took charge.

Meanwhile, I seemed to be attracting more attention than a glitter bomb at a disco. Was it because I was new? Or was it because of the school's population of tumbleweeds? Either way, I shrugged it off and soldiered on.

A few observations from day one:

Chlorine was clingier than a wet swimsuit on a scorching day. (To aluminium)
Sodium was famous, very famous for.... something. Still trying to crack that code.
That uncle boy was like a broken record of awkward questions.
The girl next to me had mastered the art of indifference—probably not a good thing.

I tried bonding with the girl by asking if she was also part of the army fandom. She responded with a finger heart, leading me to believe she was a fellow stan. But when I asked about her bias, she dropped the bombshell: "V"

"I also like Tae-hyung," I exclaimed, hoping for a bonding moment. But her response? Pure betrayal.

"I thought those two were different," she deadpanned.

"I guess you know nothing and were just acting," I muttered under my breath, feeling more betrayed than than Goblin after knowing grim reaper's real identity.

The first day was a cringefest, but hey, onwards and upwards, right?

The next day, at the gate:

I - Okay, today's goal: survive.

I found my seat, settled in, and everything was going smoothly until that boy—let's call him 'Aluminium'—sauntered in. Despite Chlorine's claim that he had gynophobia, I decided to mind my own business.

I don't exactly remember when we started talking but turns out, Aluminium and I hit it off like 2 people trying to push the same car. I found a friend, even if he's a bit cracked, thick brained, and reserved. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Everything seemed copacetic, right? Wrong.

Someone was brewing a jealousy potion in the background.'Chlorine'— yep, she had a full-blown crush.

But who cares? I've got a friend! And Aluminium even warned me about our computer teacher, describing her as a firecracker ready to pop at any moment.

I shrugged it off, thinking, what's the worst she can do? Turns out, she's not just a firecracker—she's a walking volcano of drama.

And thus, a week passed in awkward yet oddly peaceful tranquility. Little did I know, it was the calm before the storm.

Next week's Thursday crept up quickly, dragging with it the dreaded computer class. As I shuffled towards the classroom, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was strolling straight into a comedy of errors, with me as the punchline.

Potassium barged in like a fully bloated sausage with a grumpy face, her presence filling the room with awkwardness. With a heavy thud, she dumped herself down on the chair that seemed on the brink of surrendering to her weight. And of course, her first order of business? Spotting me, the unlucky target of her impending storm.

Potassium - hey you, new girl

I - yes (politely)

Potassium - what's your name ( in her usual grumpy way)

I - Kin Glue

Potassium - do you know ANYTHING about AI?

I - yes, I gave a test at my previous school and even scored full.

Potassium - so what is AI, is it everywhere, (staring to pierce my soul)

I - (nervously) umm....AI is artificial intelligence.

Potassium - ok and?

I - (I was to be honest a lot nervous cause of that intense stare)

Potassium - (comes close to my table) give me an example, oh wait can you? (In an annoying way, with that over accent)

I - Apple, apple has it.

Potassium - and? Huh?

I - (stood there silently, trying to process this unusual behaviour)

Potassium - this is the problem of kids from glace and other big cities, they are like this, DUMB.

I - (wait did she just call me dumb, that's in account miss, I'll avenge this)

Potassium - Let's continue the class

Then potassium told an overly known fact of chocolates having cockroach parts in them. I murmured under my breath'my time to shine darling'. And with this I told a fact it was a bit disgusting but true, to piss her off.

And the next thing I knew was a war had started, a one sided war. (From her side, to make me apologize)

Potassium noticed that I had done my hair in a single braided ponytail. A SINGLE BRAIDED PONYTAIL

A/N - The school I came from was very open on hairstyles. Girls even colored there hair and came open haired. I was decent though I always had a ponytail or two braided at back. So I recently had a haircut before coming to Abyss. It was a side cut, flings coming to my face. For school I could pack them up in a single pony but not double as it was a one sided cut.

Glue's note - I use the word account on people I need to avenge. It's for my self respect and to teach them a hand full.

Spoiler alert: Who knew a haircut could change your life? Turns out, it can turn your world upside down and leave you feeling as drained as a deflated balloon.

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