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I am kin Glue, not the centre of universe but definitely the centre of this story and my new school.

I'll give a brief introduction about myself, so you connect with my journey more.

Name - Kin Glue (because I always stick to problems)

Age - 13 y, 9 m at the start of the story.

Occupation - Student (nothing, just existing on parents money)

Hobby - Everything existing in the world. No literally I am attracted to soooooo many things at the same time
Eg - Sketching, Song writing, Dance, singing, languages, Yoga, clumsiness, breaking everything, eating and sleeping all day.

Well in the beginning I was a sweet little social butterfly with a pure mind, yah pure mind. I was innocent, I was naive too, but my life encountered a "bunch of cyclones 2gether". Many people and incidents made me a rude and cold one.

Let me tell you how my new school is

Let me tell you how my new school is

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'Abyss ink' - school's name

Well this was a very very unimaginable small school with the strength of 451 children from class 6-12.

I know it seems a bit of an overwhelming story but trust me it's hilarious.

So my father has a transferable job we shift every 1 or 2 years. My time here at this place is only 1.5 years let's call it 'Abyss'. I was an excellent student in academics and teachers praised me till the top of Heaven.

So enjoy the story of my candy-venomed Abyss.

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