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"Oh my gosh, hi!" Harry's drummer Sarah said as Harry walked in the room with Luke.

"Hi." Harry smiled and embraced her in a hug. "And hi Luke." She said, giggling.

"Come, let's go meet the rest of the crew." Harry said and they all walked backstage and Harry introduced Luke to his bandmates.

"Hi." They all greeted.

"Oh my gosh, Harry just got a boyfriend y'all!" a guitarist exclaimed and Harry gave him a weird look.

"Nah, we're just friends." Harry quickly denied.

"Friends with benefits?" A keyboardist asked and Harry turned red in embarrassment.

"You two would make such a cute couple though." Sarah smirked at Harry and Luke.

"See? I told y'all!" a guitarist exclaimed.

"I agree. I ship you both." Elin butted in.

"So, we all agree that they're going to make a cute couple?" Sarah asked and the entire crew cheered, making Harry and Luke blush. Great, they're now stuck in a very awkward situation.

"Ooh, they're blushing!" Pauli teased.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" They all chanted and they both blushed even more.

"We're not even officially dating yet." Harry tried to say with confidence but he failed because he was blushing so hard.

"Oh yeah? You two will probably be fucking tonight." Mitch smirked and everyone bursted out laughing. Great, just great.

They just spent the next hour chit chatting and playing games. Time seemed to fly so quickly when you're having fun. Before Harry knew it, it was time for the soundcheck. Luke was in the crowd of fans so he didn't want any special attention from the fans.
"Good luck!" Luke smiled as he went to his seat.

"Thank you." Harry smiled and he changed into his outfit for the night. He then carried on with the rest of the show and got emotional during his song 'Falling' as his friends joined him onstage and gave him a group hug. They then exited the stage and had one more group hug backstage.

Harry was still crying. He couldn't believe that he had finished the tour. This tour has saved his life. He just didn't even know if he would ever go on tour again in the first place.

"You're amazing. I'm so proud of you." Ariana said as she embraced Harry in a hug.

"Th-Thank you." Harry sniffled a little. He then changed into a sweatshirt and some shorts and they all headed to his house to have a party since there was barely any furniture at his new house. "Make yourselves at home." He said to his friends and the crew. They all got comfortable in the living room and Harry poured some champagne for everyone.

"For Harry and the Love On Tour!" Florence raised her glass. They had a toast and drank their champagne. They then talked about their favorite memories from his tour until the clock striked midnight. Everyone was exhausted so everyone went back home except for Ariana, Florence and Hailee who have decided to stay with Harry overnight.

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