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Jacob's game.

Yes, Harry had lied to Jacob, he told him that he loved him. And he believed me. He smiled, genuinely smiled, dimples showing, and threw his arms around Harry in a hug. He thought that Harry loved him, he bought his lie.

Harry's self conscience told him that it was wrong. Especially since he was playing with his heart, and he knew how much that hurt, but it had to be done. Jacob was never going to let Harry go, and if he grew to trust him, Harry could escape, and be free. Live his life, maybe find Luke and start again. Find Ashton and tell him that he had to lie to protect him and gain his friendship again. Harry could go back to his normal life.

"Oh my God!" he cried. "I never thought you'd actually say it!" he cheered.

"Neither did I." Harry grumbled, mentally slapping himself. Jacob laughed though, thinking that Harry was joking, and Harry let out a sigh of relief.

"Jacob, I need to have a word with you." Kevin spoke up.

"What is with all these secret chats?!" Tom groaned. "Fine then, Harry I need to have a secret word with you!" Tom smirked, smugly crossing his arms over his chest.

"About what?" Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret!" he smirked, pulling Harry away from Jacob, who glared at Tom for pulling him away, but Tom just smiled sweetly at him, pulling Harry out of the room.
Something wasn't right. Harry said he loved Jacob, the same person that had raped her, killed, knocked him up, and destroyed his happiness. It doesn't take a genius to realize that something isn't right here...

"So what was so important that is needed that Tom had to go off with Harry?" Jacob asked, sounding genuinely pissed that he had to be away from him for 10 seconds.

"Jacob..." Kevin sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Do you really think Harry loves you?" he asked, looking him dead in the eyes. Jacob raised his eyebrows, and his forehead creased in a frown.

"He just said that he did." he stated like it was obvious. "Why would he lie about loving me after all the shit I've done to him?" he scoffed.

"Exactly!" Kevin pointed out. "Think about it Jacob, you've messed up his life, and now all of a sudden he's in love with you?" Kevin asked, sounding suspicious.

"He just needed some time, now that he has had time, he has realized that we belong together. He finally saw what was right in front of him, Kevin!" he gasped.

"For the love of God, Jacob!" Kevin grumbled. "Just this yesterday he hated you! You don't go from hate to love overnight!"

"It wasn't overnight! He's been with me for 8 years now!" Jacob protested, stubborn to the idea that Harry didn't really love him back.

"And in those eight years, you've broken him! Made him cry and hate living! Why would he love somebody who ruined his life!" Kevin argued.

"Gee, thanks!" he scoffed sarcastically. "I know I messed up, but people change!"

"Yes, but the first impression is vital! And his one of you doesn't do you any favors!" Kevin shouted.

"He forgave me Liam!! Why can't you accept that!?" he fumed.

"Because he is lying to get away from you!" Kevin yelled. "Open your eyes, Jacob!"

"FUCK YOU!" he fumed.

Without another word, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut, and leaving Kevin in the room, angry and worried about Jacob.

Harry's POV

"So...what made you fall for Jacob! Give me all the details!" Tom chirped, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Ah, I don't know" Harry mumbled, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly, not knowing how to lie any further about loving the man I despise.

"Well, he'll be over the moon." he chuckled softly.

"Haz, come here!" Jacob boomed, walking into the room.

"Or not?" Tom mumbled confused, looking from me to Jacob, back to me again. I shared his confused expression. Why was he in a bad mood?

Without an explanation, Jacob pulled me out of the spare room, and back into his room, closing the door behind him.

"Kevin thinks that you don't love me." he spat, pacing up and down the room pulling at his hair.

"What? Wh-why would he say that?" I asked worriedly.

"He said it's too soon or some shit like that! That you only want to escape!" he spat angrily. "But that's not true right? You do love me?" he asked, looking at me desperately. He walked towards me and when he went to kiss me, I flinched.

"You flinched." he cracked. "Why did you flinch when I went to kiss you?" he asked sceptically.

"I was...it's just...it's new to me...the whole love thing." I rambled, biting my lips. Jacob glared at me, and pulled on my chin, freeing my lip from my teeth.

"You bite your lip when your nervous..." he mumbled. "Harry...are you fiddling with me or something?" he growled

"No!" I protested. "I-I love you." I stuttered.

"Fuck." he cussed, pain flashing through his eyes, but was quickly replaced by anger. "Kevin's right, you don't love me. You're lying to get away!" he raised his voice.

"No, Jacob I didn't!" I pleaded.

"Shut up!" Jacob shouted. "Don't you DARE lie to me again or I swear!!!" he warned. "Why lie to me?! What good would that do?! Hurt me? Is that it, huh? You want to fucking hurt me!" he spat.

"N-no" I slurred.

"SILENCE!" Jacob yelled, slapping me across the face, my whole face swinging to the side, a burning sensation lingering on my skin. "I TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU LIED TO MY FACE!" He growled.

Anger bloomed in me, sparking me up. "I broke YOUR trust! Gee, I wonder how that feels!" I shouted sarcastically.

"BLOODY HELL!" he growled, wrapping his hands around my throat, forcing me into the wall, and I gasped for air. "YOU ARE  IN FOR A SERIOUS PUNISHMENT!" He fumed.

"Jacob! Stop!" I choked, Harry laughing darkly at me, releasing me to the fall, sending me crashing to the floor.

"Okay baby, I'll stop." he smirked.


"Oh wait! That was a LIE!!!" he roared, pulling out a pocket knife, and walking towards me, as I crawled back in fear. "Now the real punishment begins."

Abused by him (Huke\mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now