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⚠️tw: rape⚠️

Harry drifted into a deep slumber almost in the minute Jacob had put him in the car. His veins were flowing with anger at the events that had just taken place.

But what did Harry expect? Did he expect them to live happily ever after? That's not how this works. Harry is Jacob's princess, and no other prince is going to come in and ride off with him into the sunset, no matter how charming he may be, he shall not take away what is his.

Harry is bloody foolish for thinking for one minute that they could have gotten away. How had he not learnt by now? Jacob must have already lost count on the amount of times that Harry has tried to run away, and every time he has failed. Every fucking time he had won, and Harry was utterly foolish for trying again. Running away from him, their life and even running with their fucking child!

His baby. The precious baby growing inside of Harry could have been killed in that crash. What if it was dead? What if his baby hadn't made it through that crash? Harry was in bad condition. He had a cut on his forehead where blood was trickling down, and countless bruises and scratches on his body, what if his baby was like that too? Or worse...

This is not Jacob's fault. If Harry had obeyed and learnt his lesson, there would have been no car crash which could have killed his baby. No, this is not Jacob's fault. Rather, it is Harry's and Luke's fault for running, for being foolish.

"Foolish, foolish, foolish!" Jacob chanted, banging his hands against the steering wheel as he drove back to his and Harry's house.

Harry shifted in his sleep, but his eyes remained closed, obviously he had been badly affected by the crash. Jacob hadn't intended for it to hit so hard. He was just expecting the car to swerve and stop. His heart had leaped into his chest when he saw the car toppling over, spinning round and around. Still, it had to be done. Jacob had to get his boy back, and he did.

Jacob's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he shifted, fishing it out and answering the call from Kevin.

"Jacob, did you get her?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, he's unconscious, but I've got him." Jacob spoke in a flat tone, still furious about their little run away attempt.

"Unconscious? Fuck man, what did you do?" Kevin chuckled, but still sounding slightly concerned.

"Nothing. I simply gave their car a little...knocking, it spun out of control, and got him back." Jacob summed up.

"You crashed the car?! Wow man, that's intense! Is Harry okay?" he asked.

"I think so, she seemed a little foggy, but he'll be fine. Since when did you care about Haz anyway?" Jacob scoffed.

"The day you came over, babbling on about your dream boy!" Kevin laughed. "Besides, if he is preggo with your child, shouldn't you be a bit more careful?"

"I wasn't thinking straight, Kev." Jacob grumbled into the phone, earning an amused laugh from the other end of the line.

"No shitting you weren't thinking straight!" he teased. "Anyways, I can see your car from the house now, seeya in a few man. And try not to kill him, yeah?"

"Will try." Jacob joked, still not sounding amused at all, hanging up the phone. His knuckles had turned white from gripping the wheel so tightly, taking out some anger on it, letting off some steam.

He pulled up in the driveway and parked the car. The boys were waiting, sitting on the front steps. He ran around to the passenger seat and picked up Harry bridal style.

"Shit, you really did damage this time, man." Asher laughed, glancing at Harry.

"Was it really necessary mate?" Tom spoke up, stepping forward.

"What else was I supposed to do, Tom? Politely ask them to pull over?" Jacob growled sarcastically, trudging past him and carrying Melanie upstairs, Tom following behind.

"No. But I know how badly you want a family with Harry, and crashing into your pregnant boyfriend's car isn't going to do wonders for that dream of yours, Jacob." Tom reasoned with him.

"Do you think the baby is dead?" Jacob whispered.

"I doubt it honestly." Tom sighed. "I think you're forgetting how tough both the parents are." he smiled to encourage him, earning a laugh from Jacob. "You're a tough man nobody should mess with, and it's mother is, well damn he's a little fighter too!" Tom laughed.

"He certainly is." Jacob agreed, placing him on the bed.

"The baby is going to be fine, Jacob. It will pull through, like you did from your background, and the way Harry did with his, and how he is pulling through now." Tom explained. "I mean, when I first met him, he was too scared to even look at me, now he's running off and cussing and being damn right sassy!" he laughed.

"Thanks lad." Jacob sighed.

"No problem man. But I'll leave you two alone, looks like Haz's coming around." he gestured, and sure enough, Harry's eye lids were fluttering open. Tom got up and left, and left Jacob and Harry alone.

"Welcome back to hell." Jacob spoke up, causing Harry to flinch and sit up quickly, him groaning in pain as he did so.

"Where's Luke?" he asked.

Anger blossomed within Jacob, but he held his nerve. "Dead most likely. If not, then he's gone and hidden in shame." Jacob shrugged.

"You could have fucking killed us! Luke, me, the baby!" he fumed.

"I thought you wanted to die?!" Jacob spat back.

"I do!! But not when there is a living, breathing baby inside of me!!" Harry growled.

"Since when did you care about the baby! You were pissed when you found out you were pregnant!"

"Because YOU are it's father! Of course I was pissed! Who-"

Jacob cut him off by slapping him on the face, the smack echoing through the room.

"There you go again!" Jacob groaned. "Thinking I couldn't care less about the baby!"

"And do you?!" Harry shouted.

"YES! Fuck, I have dreamed of this for so long! Having a beautiful baby, if it's a girl then naming it Darcy, if it's a boy then Jace! That it's mother fell in love with their father, despite his anger issues, because she understood what it's like to have to fight back for yourself! It would have its mother looks and sense of humor, but it's father strong heart and courage! I'll teach it how to sing and you can teach it how to draw even sing with me! How it would love BOTH of us, because we would be a FAMILY!" Jacob yelled.

"Well the baby could be dead now! You could have killed Darcy or Jace!" Harry bickered.

"Then I'll fucking make a new Darcy or Jace!" Jacob boomed. Without another word, Jacob stripped off his clothes, and picked Harry up off the bed, slamming him into the wall. "Is that what you want?! Another baby girl or boy inside you, huh?!"

"N-no! Don't!"

"SILENCE!" Jacob barked.

Jacob's teeth nipped at the strap of his shirt, the material giving way, and he ripped the shirt away from his chest, and Harry cried out in protest. Jacob ignored him as he grasped his breasts in his hands, harshly squeezing them in his hands, and Harry cried out.

Jacob pulled at Harry's jeans and his underwear fell down with him, and Harry whimpered as Jacob literally lifted his legs up and around his waist, Harry's back forced up against the wall. Without warning, Jacob slammed into him.

"JACOB!" Harry screamed out in horror and pain. Jacob just ignored it, hammering into him, long and powerful thrusts, taking out all of his built up anger and fury out on him, slamming into him mercilessly as he cried out in pain, his thrusts never slowing down.

"THERES.YOUR.NEW.DARCY.OR.JACE!!" Jacob growled into Harry's ear, striking time and time again until my high took place, causing him to moan out in pure pleasure as Harry tried to stand the pain the was consuming him, tears spilling and his screams slowing down as he knew it was hopeless.

"There is our child." Jacob purred by Harry's eyes, his hands returning to his breasts and he flinched in his harsh hold, Jacob's lips assaulting Harry's neck, sucking and nibbling, leaving a mark. "Perfectly alive."

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