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A few weeks later

"Ready to go?" Luke asked Harry and he nervously nodded. They both got inside of the car and drove off. Today, they're going to the courthouse for the trial. Harry would to be there for his testimony. Thank goodness that his lawyer would also be there to help them. It's been a month since he had last seen Jacob but seeing him again would be terrifying. God knows what he can do. His family would also be there along with Darcy in the courtroom. His mum and sister arrived after Luke had called the police. They've been staying with Harry ever since.

The news that Jacob had been abusing Harry went out to the media in just a couple of hours after he was interrogated by the police. His fans sent Harry a lot of love and support. They sent him hundreds and thousands of hate messages under Jacob's comment section but these comments were basically useless because Jacob's still detained in jail and Jacob's just never seen them. As expected, there weee hate comments too, saying that it's his fault that Harry was abused. Jacob's name was everywhere on the internet that Harry had to completely stay away from it because even seeing or hearing his name was more than enough to send shivers down his spine. At least they didn't find out that he was the one who got Harry pregnant with Darcy.

Harry stayed quiet the whole car ride as he was just too scared to have to see Jacob again, especially after knowing that he was the one who raped him and got him pregnant with their daughter. He had to start seeing a psychiatrist two weeks ago and she determined that Harry had to start taking medication for his depression and anxiety. Half of Harry had basically gone insane. For past few weeks were horrible. He had a ton of panic attacks and rages, along with flashbacks and nightmares. He even started to cut himself. It's really hard to break the habit but it's Harry's way to cope. He had stayed at home the whole time, trying to avoid the media. Harry even had flashes and questions shoved in front of his face from the moment that he had left the hospital. That was the scariest thing that's ever happened to him when it comes to the media.

Once they have arrived at the courthouse, Harry's heart started pounding. They got out of the car and went inside the courtroom where they sat with Harry's lawyer, Sam. She sat down next to Harry, getting all of the files ready.

"We're going to win this case, I promise." Sam reassured Harry. "We have all of the necessary evidence that includes your medical records. We're going to get him good."

A few minutes later, the door creaked open. It was the devil himself escorted by two officers. He was handcuffed and was wearing an orange jumpsuit. Rumors said that his lawyer had refused to defend him because it's completely obvious that he's guilty. He gave Harry an 'I'll kill you' look and Harry gulped. Within seconds, Harry started having flashbacks of how he would test him like a piece of meat. Before Harry knew it, he was starting to shake and breathe rapidly.

Jacob's voice started to echo in Harry's head, threatening to hurt him more if he dares to leave him but it was no use. He had flashbacks playing in his mind.


"D-Don't hurt me!" Harry cried as he covered his face. It was no use. Jacob threw a punch on his already bruised ribs.

"Shut up, bitch! You deserve it for talking back to me!" Jacob muttered as he threw Harry on the bed. He kicked and screamed which earned him another punch on the side of his stomach. Harry began to feel dizzy. That's when he had realized that Jacob had drugged him once again. He must've slipped something in his drink. He cried as the substance began to take control of his body and letting him do whatever he wanted to do to him.

*end of flashback*

"Harry, I need you to breathe for me." Harry's older sister Gemma said.

"I-I can't." Harry said, whimpering a little.

"Now name three things you can see." Gemma said.

"Th-The lights, the ceiling, y-you." Harry said.

"Name three things you can hear." Gemma said.

"Th-The voices, your v-voice, the footsteps." Harry said.

"You're doing amazing. Now, take three deep breaths for me. In and out, in and out, in and out." Gemma said.

Harry followed as she instructed and his breathing slowed down. Gemma gave Harry a bottle of water and Harry took a small sip.

"Better?" Gemma asked as he nodded. A few minutes later, the judge walked in.

"All rise for the judge," the officer said and they stood up. "You may now have a seat.

"Mr. Smith," the judge started. "You have been charged with domestic violence and rape against Mr. Styles, along with making threats against him. Defendant, you may state your defense statement."

"As you know, Your Honor," The devil, Jacob, started. "Harry had been struggling with mental health issues the past year. I had been trying my best to help him but nothing seemed to work. With time, he was starting to have hallucinations. He would start screaming and crying out of nowhere, begging me to not hurt him. I would never do such a thing. I had been trying to help him get those thoughts out of his head but he would start hurting himself. He would cut himself, punch himself or even bang himself against the wall. So you see, Your Honor, it was all just in his head. It was all proven just a couple of minutes ago when he had an episode."

Complete bullshit. Harry was furious and so was his family. He took an advantage of Harry's mental struggles and tried to cover up his actions and save his ass. Disgusting.

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