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Harry's jaw almost hit the floor as his wide eyes scanned the room. Jacob had turned a dark and scary room, into a baby's nursery.

There were two separate cribs on each side of the room. One crib had pink blankets and dolls, whilst the other had a matching blue set, so there was a perfect crib for a girl or boy. Painted above the cribs on the walls were the name's 'Darcy' in pink cursive writing, and 'Jace' in bold blue writing.

A large cream coloured fluffy rug was placed in the centre of the room, and it went well with the wooden floors.

Harry let out a gasp as he noticed that the once dull black drapes had been removed, and replaced by a white floral curtain, pinned by both sides, revealing a porch that Harry never knew existed. A small kids table with four plastic chairs was outside on the deck, decorated with a pink table cloth, and a teapot set.

Beside each crib lay a drawer in matching colours to the cribs, and the names "Darcy" and "Jace" was painted on each cabinet. Soft toys of all kinds, from teddy bears to doll princesses lay along a white couch placed near the door. A cushion lay in the centre of the couch with "home sweet home." on it, and it was adorable.

"Jacob," Harry whispered. "It's perfect." he gasped.

"I'm glad you like it." he smiled shyly, walking up to me, wrapping his arms around Harry. " I wanted it to be perfect for either Darcy or Jace, so I figured I'd make the room fitting for both." he explained.

"When did you do this?" Harry asked.

"A lot of it was done when you were asleep, but other times when I was in a bad mood and stormed out of the room, I came in here and finished it." he smiled proudly.

"Well it's amazing Jacob. It really is." Harry smiled. "I had no idea you where so..."

"I get it." he smiled. "I've been a bit of a dick-"

"A bit?" Harry scoffed

"Okay, I've been a monster from hell." he admitted. "But like I said earlier, I'm going to be the real Jacob now. This is the real me."

"What, pink and princesses?" Harry laughed, shutting up when Jacob glared at him, but he started laughing again, showing he was teasing, and a let out a sigh of relief.

"And for what it's worth, Princess Buttercup's dress matches Darcy's bedding perfectly!" he pouted playfully. Harry laughed at him and he started to blush in embarrassment.

"Princess Buttercup?" I laughed. "Oh God, you really are a softy!" I mocked.

"Hey! No I'm not! I'm just good at design, and what matches." he protested. "No way is my baby girl or boy wearing anything that clashes! Our child will have style!"

Harry cracked up laughing at Jacob. "Oh I get it!" I giggled, but Jacob looked at me confused.

"Get what? I don't get it!" he laughed.

"Style! Our child will have style! Oh c'mon! You want Darcy Smith to have style!" Harry explained. Eventually it clicked for him, his mouth making an 'o' shape, before laughing as well.

"That wasn't even planned! I'm just naturally hilarious!" he howled, clapping his hands in laughter.

"No, you didn't even get it!" Harry pointed out. "It doesn't count!"

"Does so! I'm hilarious!" he protested. Knock knock!"

"Oh my God, nooo!" Harry whined.

"Knock knock!!!!" he repeated.

"Ugh! Who is there?" Harry groaned

"A cow goes who?"

"No! I cow goes moo!!" he howled with laughter, hunching over as he cracked up, his face going bright red.

"Jacob, that was terrible!" Harry giggled.

"Please tell me he didn't say the damned cow joke?" Tom laughed, walking into the room.

"I wish he didn't." Harry sighed, causing Tom to laugh.

"Get it!? Because you said who, when a cow says moo! Oh that is a classic!" Jacob gasped between laughter.

"We get it, but it's just not funny." Kevin sassed, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Part pooper!" Jacob cried, getting up from the ground, collecting himself from his laughter. It was strange seeing Jacob act all sweet and goofy, but in a good way. Harry was glad he wasn't shouting and hurting Harry. It was a good change.

"See how nobody else is laughing?" Tom teased. "It wasn't that funny."

"Especially after the 100th time." Kevin added.

"Hell, it wasn't even funny the first time." Harry mocked, and Jacob pouted, acting all hurt. But he couldn't fight his smile, and just shook his head, as if admitting it wasn't that funny after all.

"It's quite impressive, the room, not the joke." Tom laughed. "Well done mate!" he clapped Jacob on the back, Jacob looking rather smug with himself.

"Thanks, I'm glad with the end result. Plus Harry likes it, so it is a job well-done." he smiled, looking at Harry.

"Who would have thought, Harry and Jacob are actually getting along?!" Tom smirked, smugly wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulder and winking at him.

"Yeah yeah, you were right, he's not all bad." Harry grumbled.

"I told you so!" he smirked. "If you're nice, he will be nice, then it's all lovey dovet happy family!" he smirked, clearly proud of himself.

"Yes, you are a genius Louis." Jacob rolled his l eyes, and Tom fake gasped, acting hurt by his sarcasm.

"Don't say it with that tone, Harry Styles!" he scolded. "It's true!" he triumphed.

"Tom, I told Harry that aaageeesss ago!" Kevin mocked, winking at Harry, causing him to laugh.

"Whatever!" Tom yelled. "It was my idea, right Haz?" he asked.

"Actuall- ah!" Harry screamed.

"What? What is it baby? Are you hurt, you okay?" Jacob gushed, running to Harry's side as he placed his hand on his belly.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, I just got a fright." Harry stuttered.

"What happened?" Jacob asked, looking concerned.

"The baby. It kicked."

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