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A cold chilling fear ignited my body when I heard the names of the people at the door. Calum, Michael, Ashton, they were best friends with Luke.

"Harry, come out, come out!" Calum called out, calling Harry forth. The boys gave Harry nervous looks, as he slowly walked towards the door, Jacob stopping me so Harry didn't get too close.

"Get the hell out of here." Jacob hissed.

"Aw, didn't you miss us, Haz?" Ashton asked.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked nerves knotting in the pit of his stomach. Jacob grabbed his hand, as the boys smirked at him, Michael laughing slightly.

"Ah the contraire." he tutted. "Jacob belongs in prison."

"You're lying." Harry gasped.

"Get the fuck off my property!" Jacob boomed, pushing Harry behind him, as Harry peeked over his shoulder carefully.

"No! No no no! Stop it!" Harry chanted.

Harry's mouth became dry, no words coming out, unable to process what was being said. His head felt like it was going to burst, and he couldn't control it.

Jacob has lunged for them, but Tom has stopped him, holding him back, knowing violence would make things a lot worse.

"Oh, and Harry?" Luke asked.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"This is for you."

With that, they all turned and walked off, handing the item to be. A cold shiver ran down Harry's spine as the item was placed in my hand. His heart had stopped beating, and his entire body was frozen. Jacob grabbed Harry, embracing him in a protective hug, and it fell from Harry's hands, falling to the floor, but his eyes never left it, as that one single, simple thing made his blood run cold and fear and anxiety consume me from the inside out.

A single red rose.

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