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"C'mon, lets get you away from these wondering eyes." Jacob smiled, protectively pulling Harry into his side.

"I missed you, Jacob. Even though you weren't gone for long." Harry blushed.

"Shush you!" Jacob pouted. "How is little Darcy?"

"Restless as always." Harry smiled, rubbing his belly. "I wish I could just fast forward the whole pregnancy process!" he huffed.

"And skip nine months of us being together? Not going to happen!" Jacob teased.

"Easy for you to say! You don't get mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, or have something constantly kicking you." he laughed.

"True, but I have to put up with you being angry when your cranky." Jacob teased, tickling him, him swatting his hands away.

"Hey!" he protested. "I'm not that bad, am I?" he pouted.

"No your not darling, I was teasing you." Jacob smirked.

"Oh." he mumbled. "Well that's good then."



"Hey lads! Thanks for helping out Haz." Jacob smiled. "It's good to know I have great mates looking after him."

"No problem mate! Haz is like our little brother now! We look out for him!" Tom chirped, teasingly rubbing Harry's head, Harry grumbling out in playful protest, fixing his hair.

"No touchy!" He pouted, the boys laughing with him.

"But you let Jacob touchy you!" Kevin teased.

"Kevin! I thought we were friends?!" Harry fake gasped, Kevin laughing and hugging him.

"We are." he beamed.
"Home sweet home!" Jacob cheered, opening the front door, and plopping down on the couch. "I need to shower!" He laughed, racing upstairs, hearing Harry giggle.
Jacob heard the sweet giggling of Harry as he walked down the stairs. He followed the sound, to see Harry and Luke sitting on the couch together, the rest of the boys scattered across the lounge.

"You actually did that!?" he gasped, laughing at him.

Jealousy blossomed in Jacob as he smiled at him, nodding his head. Harry shook his head in laughter. He just didn't like the way he was looking at him, Harry was his boy.

"He is just being friendly." Tom spoke suddenly coming to stand next to Jacob.

"I know, but is Luke?" Jacob grumbled.

"Yes." he smiled. "You know Luke would never do that to you." he reasoned.

"I used to think Kevin wouldn't either, remember how that turned out?"

"You can't compare Luke to Kevin mate." Tom reasoned. "Besides, Harry and Luke were just talking about some girl." he chuckled. "Nothing to worry about!"

"The way he looks at him..." Jacob mumbled.

"Jacob." Tom warned. "Don't worry about it."

"Too late." Jacob huffed, walking over and sitting next to Harry, pulling him into his chest. Harry seemed startled by Jacob's actions, but smiled up at him, causing his anger to die down slightly. Luke got it and walked over to Tom.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

"Of course." Jacob lied, glancing at Luke quickly. Harry caught him out and he realized what was going on.

"Jacob. I would never do that." he whispered softly, kissing Jacob's cheek.

"I know." Jacob grumbled. "I can't help but worry."

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