Chapter Three- Kwame

Start from the beginning

"Kwame," he called after me before I reached the stairs.

"Yes sir?" I answered quickly, stopping abruptly in my tracks.

He turned and smiled at me, "I want you to improve your grade in English. Tammy told me that she saw you talking to some girl in the office. Stay on track, a ninety seven is not acceptable in this household."

My best is never acceptable in this household.

He turned back to the television, while skimming through a file folder.

Maybe I did need some sleep, but he may have appreciated it more. My father was always working, constantly hustling, and forever bustling. Whether he was preparing for some conference, or learning more about new medicine in general, he never wanted to leave his work at work.

I reached the top of the stairway to see Khairi buried in his phone. He looked up at me, smiling, and said, "Kwame has a girly friend."

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about."

He cracked a quick smile and punched my arm.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Kwame."

I rolled my eyes and walked to my room door, letting myself in. As I sat on my bed, my cell phone started to ring. It was just Nathan.

"You don't really have a sense of time do you?" I said immediately, as he chuckled.

"Wow, you can be one frigid bastard, buddy. I was just calling to ask if you have the homework." I rolled my eyes, of course, I had the homework, and so did he. What did he expect?

"I have the homework and the correct answers. I'm guessing you have neither."

He paused for a second. "You're right. Could you-" I stopped him mid-sentence.

"No, I cannot send you a photo of the answers, good night." I began to hang up, but he started yelling something on the other end.

"I really wanted to ask you about the party on Friday, I figured that if your Dad was around it would be safer to talk about homework first, and then bring up the risky stuff when he went away."

He had a point. My dad was pretty strict about parties and such. My mom on the other hand was very easy to persuade.

"Seems like you think I want to go?" I replied to him.

"Seems like my friend is a frigid bastard," he quipped.

"If dad would have heard you use profanity there would've been no reason for you to try and persuade me to go to a party. You and I both would've been arbitrarily grounded," I said.

He knew how Kunle's was just as well as I did.

"In English please, Kwame," he groaned.

"If Kunle, my father, would've heard you curse, it would've been much worse than him catching you rambling about one of your stupid parties."

He sighed. "Whatever, your dad is just as uptight as you Kwam, and he knows I'm no archangel."

He had a point, but my dad was still fond of all my friends.

"What party is it, idiot?" I sighed, rolling my eyes as I grabbed a copy of William Shakespeare's: Star Wars from my nightstand.

I could almost imagine the grin on his face from the tone of his voice, "Farah's party! Didn't you hear about it?"

Sometimes, actually...highly frequently, I questioned our friendship.

"Clearly I didn't. I would be remotely interested in going to this party anyways for what reasons?" I was almost bored at the thought of a party. I preferred smaller, more intimate affairs than tacky, large house parties filled with drunken teenagers. That was more Khairi's scene.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is this Kwame Okari, or did you not hear who I said the host was? Farah Tien. You know who else is going to be there...yeah, lover boy you have to come. Your girl is going to be there. This is your chance, my man."

My mind went back to her, and I smirked a little. I guess I did have plans for Friday, now. "She's not my girl, Zheng. Plus you hate her, so what's the angle?"

He chuckled. "Well obviously, I said you'd have a chance, not that you'd get the girl. Also, everybody knows that if you make good with the friend then you have a sure fire way to get in." Well, so much for having faith in your friends. "More importantly I need a decent wingman, and there's this dude I know, Kwame Okari, that is a total chick magnet."

He was trying to act as if playing wingman for him would be remotely satisfying for me. Well, he had another thing coming.

"You're right on the chick magnet thing." I smiled, absentmindedly rubbing my jaw at the thought. Yeah, I was definitely a chick magnet.

"So you're coming right?" he asked excitedly.

"Alright Nate, I'll be there, I guess. Not for your tomfoolery though." I hung up and began to ready myself for bed. Friday was destined to be great.

 Friday was destined to be great

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