Cinderella (2015)

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Alright guys, we are starting to get desperate for movies, Brave and The Sword in the Stone will be here eventually, but until we get more on the characters and their backstories I will be waiting for those, if you have any ideas PLEASE let me know, and don't forget to vote!

Also: After writing this chapter I became aware that these events couldn't happen in the current timeline of OUAT due to Emma's current state, therefore this is a scene that would happen in either AU or the future! Enjoy!!


"What is it with the two of you and these movies?! Didn't we already watch this?"

"Ashley, I know you think you did but you didn't! The other one was animated!"

"Henry, why do you have to be so persistent? I have to watch my daughter, she is--"

"Safe with Belle. Alex is fine, and I promise you won't regret watching it." Emma spoke kindly as she sat next to her son, placing a bowl of popcorn upon his lap, allowing both herself and Ashley to reach the bowl.

"Emma, I don't know, and Sean...what would he do if he came home--"

"Prince Thomas knows your here already, we told him where you'd be." Henry smiled, picking up the remote and aiming it towards the TV screen, "Now stop making excuses and watch!"

"But Henry I--"

"SHH" Both Emma and Henry said loudly as the movie slowly whirred to a start, allowing a beautiful young girl and her father to sit beside her dying mother's bed.

Immediately Ashley was silent. No one was looking, but if they had they'd have seen the tears that welled in Ashley's eyes as she saw her young self weeping on her own mother's grave.

"You know, it still hurts..." She muttered as three women cascaded down a carriage and onto the steps of her home, doing as Ashley's step-family had done to her and her father, "I still struggle to believe he actually married that beast."

Henry's hand slid onto Ashley's and he squeezed it to comfort her, understanding the pain. When Neal had died he had been crushed, and it was still a sting that welled in his heart.

If tears had been falling before to death of her father made Ashley loose it, the flow of salt could have scarred her cheeks, "That dress is beautiful." She muttered through her muffled sobs, "But I'd never had been given such a virtue."

The movie pushed on and guilt welled in Henry and Emma's hearts for making Ashley sit through a movie that they had thought would be nothing more than a quick laugh, because as anyone could see, it was anything but.

Wishing that she'd had an actual fairy godmother, instead of having to strike a deal with a monster as cruel as Rumplestiltskin. Staring in awe at the detail that the dress possessed.

She was a wreck.

"Thanks guys." She said calmly when the credits began to roll, "I truly needed that."

"If you'd like I can drive you home." Emma said, trying her best to be kind. It was the least that she could do after having Ashley sit through such mental torture.

"Please, I really need to see my daughter. And can I borrow your phone, I need to call Sean."

Emma only nodded, handing her phone to Ashley and grabbing the keys to her bug off of the counter.

As the women left, Henry reached down and put a new movie into the player, only this time it was Brave.

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