chapter 34- weakness

Start from the beginning

"I hate what she went through. It makes me feel so angry for her. I don't understand how she kept herself so sane. I can't imagine how much pain and anger she has for what happened. " Daisy said wiping a few tears that escaped.

"I know. I wish we could have helped her." I said softly.

"But what else is wrong wtih you because I know it's not just that Daisy. I know you." I said softly.

She let our a sigh before sitting down.

"Look maybe I'm just over thinking this because she has only just told us and on top off that because she said Whitney was never found but do you think Whitney has something to do with this Alpha Fin?" She asked bluntly taking me by suprise.

My eyes widened while I looked at her but I could see she was serious. She really has been questioning this.

Before I could say anything I heard a voice pipe up behind me making my eyes widen even more.

"That's a very good question love." I heard Sophia say behind us.

Both our heads whipped to the side.

Daisy p.o.v.

My eyes widened once I realised Sophia was stood there. How did we not sense her? How long has she been stood there?

"I-i" I started saying but I didn't know what to say.

"It's okay Daisy. I'm glad you both was speaking about it your allowed to. I didn't expect the conversation to stop in the office just because I told you everything. I knew you would speak about it together once I left and I would be shocked if you didn't.  But onto you believing that Whitney may have something to do with it I never mentioned her may be having something to do with it for two reasons but I was not sure so I didn't mention it. One reason being I didn't know and 2 being I didn't want to worry you both especially if I was wrong." Sophia said softly.

"So that means you think she could have something to do with it as well?" Rose asked.

Sophia nodded her head in yes.

"But why would she do it now ? It's been what like 4 years?" Rose asked.

Sophia let out a hum.

"I think she thinks that I would have let my guard down. But I also think she would do it now because she knows I have a weakness." Sophia stated.

"A weakness? What is your weakness?" I asked.

"Both of you." She said with a chuckle making my eyes widen.

"How would she know about us though?" Rose asked surprised at Sophiasstatement.

"I'm not sure. I'm guessing quite a few packs know about us because of the party. I guess word got around." She said before she sighed.

"What makes you think she knows ?" I asked.

"I know I have a hatred for witches Daisy but witches do talk and gossip judt as much as werewolves do. If one Coven knows and she could know even just one person in that Coven or a person tell someone else that she knows it will get to her. You have connections to witches like she does and I have connections to werewolves like she does. It would not be that hard for her to find out." Sophia said.

"But your pack only trust each other. Why would anyone in your pack tell anyone about you finding your lunas?" Rose asked.

"Their are only the odd few members of my pack that have family and talk to them from another pack. They could have told them in excitment from them having their lunas and not just one but two lunas. I never told them to not say anything about me finding my mate so to be honest they had every right to. But it could be anyone from any pack as like i said most knew we was mates because we met at your party." Sophia said.

Their alpha Female mateWhere stories live. Discover now