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Mals decided to leave the core and confront the clans. Gushav was acting leader of Malthas. They harbour a secret related to their clan leader.

"We should wake our Mir ( Clan leader)  from his hibernation sleep" proposes one of the elders.

Geony and Shane doesn't agree to this.

" We know how powerful Mir is but If something happens to him because of the combined power of  clan leaders, we will be slaves forever on our home land, We will try to talk things out and if they don't agree they will see the other  side of humble Malthan tribe",

Shane continues, " Let's split in to groups one headed by me and other by Geony, Geony will be our messenger and few people will go along with him to protect him from any harm, Meanwhile I will be preparing the warriors in case of any unexpected outcome, I will also makes preperations to invok Mir".

Meanwhile at clan meeting

" The true purpose of warrior is to help clan to defeat their enemies, right now whoever responsible for disaapearance of Mothership is our enemy, so when I help Ashima I'm not neglecting my duties", Neo tries to convince the elders.

"Neo, you are the one who learnt forbidden magic of Rashford clan without you the position cannot be filled easily", Elder Zapto sounds concerned.

"Portal will be opened for other years and we will return safely, if there is an attack the young leaders of all the clans can help to sort things", Neo kneels before elders.

Koalar initiates the ritual

Ashima and Neo holds the key and offers it with a drop of their blood.

As the ritual progresses sky becomes pitch dark and then appears a glowing lights like a hurricane and carries them away.

On the other side Malthans crosses the barrier to meet the clan leaders.

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