Pawns and the Knight

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Issah Emrio gets to know about the Rashfel's night out at Ashima's place. He knows that Neo has a crush on his sister but it's the first time she allowed someone at her private space. 

"I think you can do better than Neo", it's the first thing Issah said to Ashima when he reached her place.

Ashima looks at her younger brother , " He is a Rashfel and that proves it he is worthy to take my hand".

"He is a like a knight who is hungry for power, he might be the best warrior but he is not someone who knows how to love someone Ashi". Issah sounds concerned.

"Don't underestimate me Issa,  Neo can be our important asset to get the support of Zapto clan. What I'm doing is not purely for power , I do like him too. He promised me to help in finding papa, Neo has reputation to never break a promise he made".

"If you are looking for someone to help finding papa, don't you think your brother can that Ashi".

 " I'm Anbe, rather than choosing someone from Dolis as my husband , this is easier".

"I would be happy if you are wrong sisi (sister) , I got an important information from our ally in the south" 

"What it is Issah?", Ashi is eager to know.

"Lord of southern pass informed me that his army has seen a member of Maltha Tribe, I was surprised when I hear that Ashi, but when I think further it does makes sense"

Ashima further probes him , "What makes sense Issa?" .

Issa answers her, "We understood from the grand meeting how desperate Arib was to snatch the position of our clan, the boss of the group which was sent to enquire about the disappearance apparently is his side kick"

Ashima takes a moment to process the information, " If the Southern Lord has seen Maltha's, you think that their disappearance is staged by Arib?, Do you think he can go to that extent?" 

Issa to Ashi, "He might not have anything to their disappearance but I think he might not have did a proper investigation to see the depth of the issue". 

Ashima agrees to him " I have once heard from papa that when we go down  the southern frontiers the sand lands aren't accessible to anyone  but Maltha's are believed to be natives of Isario, they might know a trick to pass the barriers".

Issah, " What can we do now Ashi? ".

"Issa, Send our trusted people to southern frontier and ask them to search for any signs related to Maltha's".

"Should we inform this to others? I mean the spotting of a Mal (people of Maltha are know as Mals)" 

"No Issa, let's get more information on this, When we casted a spell to find papa and Mals they weren't seen anywhere on Isario".

Issa, "But Ashi.. if there is a barrier that will block mana and that also mean that Mals might be hiding behind the barrier but the problem is  it takes some time to find the barrier" .

Ashi's interest is piqued, " Make arrangements to start to southern frontier tomorrow Issah".

When Issah is about to leave, he receives information about the visit of a messenger from Zapto palace to palace of Emrio.

"That's unexpected, they might want to talk about marriage", Issa teases her.

"Don't be silly Issa, this might be something else. May be they get to know about the Mals near southern province".

Both reaches main hall of their palace.

Messenger bows his head and conveys his message "Lady and my Lord, Koalar Zapto send me here to convey this information. As my Sire has no information about the master key of Emiro couldn't conduct a ritual which can open the portal to past realm. If Lady agree to it Koalar Zapto would start making preparations for the ceremony".

"Ritual to open the past realm, that sounds interesting and it might give answers to many questions". 

Messenger continues " Lady as there are certain requirements for ritual initiation, my Sire wants an audience with you"

Ashima replies him, " Sure. We will meet Koalar tomorrow at Zapto palace".

Messenger leaves.

"Issa, let's wait another two days to start our journey to South". 

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