Things we do for Love

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Koalar Zapto is married to Venessa. Apart from four major clans there are two minor clans Kube and Yamla. 

Kube clan is specialised is making weapons which can work in tandem with warrior's spiritual powers. Kube is also one of the richest clans. Vanessa is the sister of Kube's clan leader Shiron Kube. 

Yamla tribe acts as a judiciary system and they formulate the rules and implement the judgements passed by the major clans. Dhoram Yamla is it's head. Dhoram has two daughters Choy and Sanya. Yamla tribe's people built is big,  men are over 11 feet ( While tallest among other clans is 7 feet) and even the women are quite tall. They aren't known for their beauty but the women of Yamla clan are considered as most intelligent among all the clans. They are well versed in Mathematics, Astronomy and Architecture. 

Sanya is the younger daughter of Dhoram. She studied magic together with Neo, Ashima, Veren Dolis ( Son of Arib), Deven Zapto and Divin Zapto (Sons of Koalar). Sanya has a huge crush on Neo, she used to practice together with him. She isn't a match for Ashima in beauty but her skills surpass even the mighty Neo (that's the name given to Neo by his peers). They say if Sanya belonged to any major tribe she would have been the most powerful warrior. Only major clans are given access to study higher magical arts. 

The Young people thought they are studying magical arts to compete among themselves but in reality getting groomed to face other major spiritual battle.

The palace where Zaptos live is also know as " Blue Lotus Shrine".

The palace has an outline of fully bloomed lotus, each room is designed inside the each petal. The leaves of the lotus are common gathering halls and palace has a moat around it.

By the time  Ashima, Issa and Sefra (Wife of Vettal) reached Lotus Shrine entire Zapto clan, Neo  and Dolis clan were waiting at the meeting hall. 

Koalar formally invites them. "Sefra, It's good to see you after a long time".

Emrio clan sits in their assigned seats.

Koalar starts addressing all the people in the hall, " It's been quite some time since Vettal is missing. We made an oath not to use our mana against each other and any major magic ritual initiations cannot be started without " Elvido" . That kind of paralysed us",

He takes a minute and continues, "an ancient ceremony of Zapto gives us an ability to see and travel to past, though we cannot alter or present physically in the past we can communicate with the people in the past. Everything has it's  own price and unless we offer something we cannot achieve anything. We sacrifice our present time to travel to past. When we come back to  present other people will be older than us, We never know which portal will be opened to our present times as each portal takes it own time to send an object from one end to other end. That also mean that our beloved might be dead when we travel back to the present and there might be dark forces which lurks in the past realms to suck the energies".

He looks at Issah and Ashima, "So who among you is willing to travel to past?,person who is going to travel should be at least at Phoenix level (Third highest level of magic arts) ".

Issah stands up and says, " The ritual is to find our father and I regard it as my responsibility, I would be happy to be part of the ritual".

Ashima stops him, " I cannot risk the life of Issah, he  hasn't reached Niravana level yet (Highest Level of Magic) and his Nirvana initiation is in few days. I promised to bring back my father and I will do that".

Neo interrupts her, " I promised Lady Ashima to help her and I cannot break that promise, Let me be the part of ritual too to travel along with her"

Koalar was surprised, " Neo, you are the Rashfel and you cannot leave the Isario".

"If my Rashfel title is the problem, I'm happy to relinquish it", Neo's statement stuns everyone.

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