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Everyone is so excited about tonight's Mersel ceremony initiation. Mersel is celebrated once in every two years to respect the homeland which they left some thousands of years back. Wine, Dance and Music are the main themes of the night. People gambles through out the night.Mersel is the also the day when young girl can propose to the guy she likes and vice  versa. 

Ashima Emrio is the daughter of Vettal Emrio. She is a gifted dancer and well versed in ancient magic. Her one side glance can intoxicate both men and women equally. Her eyes are as green as spring grass and her lips which has a shine  looks they are glazed with honey. Her temper is sweet and she respects everyone. 

Ashima is the key dancer of the Mersel. She along with Venessa Dolis would dance to appease the ancient gods and heirs of four clans would join them with their  mana goblets. Hundreds of  crystal jars would be filled with exotic wines and then  kept for the whole night in the Mothership  

The dance starts from Royal Palace of Emrio and the dancers cross the palaces of Dolis, Zapto and Rashfel. They finally proceed to Mersel grounds dancing to the tunes of Flute and Zither. The people of Maltha whips their right leg unit the blood oozes out and offer that crimson blood as a ritual sacrifice. 

Everything went as planned on the first night. Incenses were burnt. Young maidens are dolled up in beautiful silks danced through out the night and every clan flaunted their wealth and martial skills. Night was long and people were joyous.

Vettal Emrio is the prime leader and he has the special privilege to take the share of mana offered to the Mothership. That is one of the reasons why Emrio clan is more powerful than others. Vettal concludes the mana taking ceremony privately along with clan leader of Maltha Gushav after the initial offerings

 Vettal stays overnight after the initiation ceremony with the Gushav to complete his private ceremony. Little he knew about the plan of Gushav

As Vettal takes a sip from the cup offered to him , he feels little dizzy. Gushav starts chanting the spell which is supposed to cast an illusion on the mind of him but he couldn't succeed. Vettal pulls himself closer to Gushav and draws his sword and just when he was about to dig it inside his heart, Amethyst vanishes into thin air along with Vettal and Gushav.

People of Maltha tribe who were at the grounds as helpers of ceremony were dumbstruck and shaken by the incident. Maltha people are believed to be natives of Isario and certain parts of Isario is accessible only to them. Core is one such place. They believe there would be a leader who will help them to untap the magic/mana inside them and Gushav believes that is him.No one can go against the mighty Emrio clan. So they made it look like they all fled from Isario together and they takes shelter in the Core before the next day of Mersel starts

There is a good reason why part of  the mana offered is consumed by prime leader. Amethyst isn't only the mothership but it also has the consciousness of their ancient god "Seref". Amethyst is supposed leave Isario after dropping the people from Ermio, the third planet. but the four clan leaders intoxicate the Seref with mana enough for two years which bounds him to the lands of Isario. The person who takes the part of offering has the power to enforce his will on Seref, will to stay back in Isario until next Mersel.

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