Meeting at Grand Dome

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Arib Dolis's plan to strip the privilege of Emrio clan immediately after Mersel incident wasn't successful. They waited patiently for Vettal to return to Isario but that never happened. Arib is determined to use the next gathering to his good use.

Meanwhile at the Core the Maltha's  food resources started to deplete. There is hardly anything to eat or drink.Core is hotter than the surface. Prolonged starvation led some people to hallucinate and they started to cuss and fight against each other. 

Geony, who is the one of three elders of Maltha  said,"If this the way we are supposed to live It's better to keep our pride aside and we should ask for the mercy and  beg for the lives of our children".

It irked the other elder Shane and he said, " Isario belong to Maltha people and these four clans have exploited our resources and made us their slaves, we are afraid of their mana, we imagined ourselves as inferiors and never even tried to rebel. If the spiritual stones they carry gives them ability to access mana, let's loot them strategically"

Others nodded to the plan of Shane.

Shane continued, "Let's formulate a plan, we cannot run away from the sin of one person, we shouldn't pay for the antics of Gushav, Tonight we start our travel to the surface". 

Grand dome palace is the place where all clans meet during crisis situations. Mana cannot be accessed inside'

Grand dome is an architectural marvel, it has three entrance ways which represents the three stars of the night sky. The three clan leaders sit in the three thrones which are next to each other in a row. The place of Rashfel leader is opposite to the middle throne which is usually occupied by the prime leader. The palace has the huge statue of their ancient god Seref which is about 70 feet in height.

When every one thought that the middle throne would be empty Ashima Emrio makes a dramatic entrance and occupies the throne of Vettal.

Arib scoffs, " I haven't seen a women occupying the prime throne of Grand dome and that too the daughter of the traitor Vettal, Without the master key Emrio clan has no right to hold prime position". 

Ashima takes off the shawl she wrapped across her neck and removes the pendant of her chain which was hidden neatly by the shawl. To everyone's surprise the pendant is nothing but " Elvido", the master spiritual stone of Emrio's clan. 

She starts to speak addressing all thee clan leaders, " Dear Elders, I might be the first women who occupied this throne but that doesn't make me inferior to anyone here, I, Ashima is declared as a rightful heir of Emrio clan by my father Vettal and he wanted to announce it during last Mersel. Unfortunately things didn't go well".

She continues, " I wonder why other elders are biased towards us, if you think my father fled away with Amethyst, we should all remember this once again that we landed to Isario few thousand years ago as the living conditions aren't good in any other nearby planet of Emiro, Do you think he fled away with the mothership to die on other planet ?  My father isn't that foolish".

Koalar Zapto stands and says " Ashima, as long as you have the master stone, we honour your position here irrespective of your gender, I agree that Vettal has no reason to stole the mothership, let's discuss the solution".

Arib interferes, " If Vettal was trapped by Gushav, he was careless enough to be tricked by him and he gave Elvido to Ashima though he know it protects him from the magical attacks. That is enough to strip his clan's prime leader role".

Ashima looks at Arib, " Arib Dolis, I don't entertain anyone who tries to muddle my father's image. Emrio clan isn't powerful  because of the Elvido, we are powerful because we are the key to make the 'Elvido', I reiterate that again " .

Everyone stunned by the statement of "making of Elvido". 

Nobody knows the origin of Elvido and why only Emrio clan has access to it and today the secret seems to be out. Emrio clan gives the power to Elvido. 

"We revived  many ancient spiritual arts since from the beginning. Our clan founder helped other the mana manipulation and it seems that the clan leaders forgot the history. I will find the reason for the disappearance of my father and reclaim the glory of our clan", Ashima's tone echoes.

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