Chapter 156: Smart Humans and Stupid AI

Start from the beginning

"That seems awfully limited for human tech," said Lissa.

"Intentionally so," said Mims. "The Federation's paranoid about AI in general. They keep autopilot basic and for emergency use only."

The Stinger units shifted their cones of fire, opening large sections of space for the Vrrl. The ships of the Starfang Empire poured into that space, firing wildly at their distant opponents. Most of the Federation ships switched targets, ignoring the Queens in favor of the Vrrl who were firing at them.

"You were right," said Yvian. The Peacekeeper Queenships had all lost more than half their shielding. The shots the humans had already fired would still rain down on them for another two minutes, but Yvian suspected they would survive.

"I don't like it." Mims stroked the chin of his helmet. "Doesn't make any sense."

"The humans have underestimated us," said Scarrend. "They're not the first to do so."

"No." Mims shook his head. "This is sloppy. Stellar Defense doesn't do sloppy. Something's wrong."

The Captain's tension was infectious. Yvian felt her legs clench. She stared at the display, trying to think. What was wrong? What were they missing?

"Where are the humans?" Scarrend spoke up. Yvian looked askance at him. "Their Military fleets. Their piloted ships. Where are they?"

"Good question," said Mims. He turned to Kilroy. "Can you have a couple Stingers break off from the Queens? We need to see what's behind the Gates."

The Peacekeeper's eyes flashed red. "Affirmative."

"Thank you." Mims brought up the Vrrl Nexus Network and sent a chat request. "And scan the Sector again. We're missing something."

After a few moments, Warmaster Sithis accepted his chat. "This is Sithis. What do you want, human?"

"Anything going on in your space?" Mims asked. "Anything unusual?"

"No," said the Warmaster. "Why? What is happening with the attack?"

"Aldara's full of old ships on autopilot," the Captain explained, "but we don't know where their main fleets are."

"I smell." Sithis gave a thoughtful growl. "We're already on the hunt, but I'll increase our alertness as much as I can. Be careful, human. Your kind are cunning and dangerous foes."

"I know it. Keep your guard up, and let me know if anything happens. Mims out." The Captain closed the connection.

"Scan complete," Kilroy reported. His eyes blinked between red and purple. "Big Daddy Mims, there are no humans in Aldara Sector."

The Captain froze. "What?"

"Peacekeeper units have analyzed the life signs on the stations and planet. They are falsified signals." The Peacekeeper unit switched to a steady purple glow. "The ships patrolling the sector have falsified life signs as well."

Mims swore. "Can we see what's behind the Gates, yet?"

"Negative," said the Peacekeeper.

"How long-" Mims started to ask.

"Affirmative," said the Peacekeeper. His eyes went back to crimson. "Alert. Ships detected behind East Gate. One Juggernaut class Dreadnaught. Four Judgement class destroyers. Eighteen Ronin class Battlecruisers. Thirty three YEET class Artillery Barges. Ninety two Gladiator class fighters. A fleet of the same composition is behind the North Gate as well."

"Manned?" asked Mims.

"Affirmative," said Kilroy. "These appear to be the only humans in the Sector."

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