Chapter 41: The Price of Fame

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"Mims, dodge! Dodge now!"

Mims yanked on the controls, veering the Random Encounter in a burst of acceleration. Only 

after he'd made the movement did he ask, "What is it?"

"Humans!" They had just completed the Jump to Krog Prime. The Recompense was safely docked at Migo's shipyard. Yvian had just started a scan of the system when she saw three fighters turn and head in their direction. Sensors saw them as custom built ships, but Yvian knew better. They were Gladiator class heavy fighters, like the Encounter. The humans had come for Mims.

Mims glanced at the sensor readings and swore. "Goddamned Devera with the Goddamned open comms..."

"How'd they know to look for us here?" Yvian asked.

"We're in the news!" Lissa told her. "Everyone knows to look for us here!"

"We're the first non-Krog to be summoned before the Board of Masters," Mims elaborated. "It's kind of a big deal." The Random Encounter weaved an elaborate pattern as he spoke. "I'm depressurizing the ship. They've got MACdrivers."

"But how'd a bunch of Terrans get the news?" Yvian wondered. "Federation money's no good here. They shouldn't be able to afford Nexus access."

"Good question. I'll ask." Mims reached for the comms, but one of the humans was already hailing them.

"Your ass is mine, Kinslayer!" A male voice, angry, excited. "Aldara remembers!"

"Aldara remembers!" Two other voices echoed. One male. One female.

"How'd you find me?" The ships were four hundred kilometers away, accelerating fast. Mims weaved back and forth as the Encounter sped to meet them.

"Apparently you're on the news," the voice told him. "Quintina Barrillas sends her regards."

"That bitch," Mims muttered. "Remind me to kill her at some point."

"We're hit!" Lissa announced. "Left wing. Minor damage. Think it was a MAC round."

"Shouldn't we be firing back?" Yvian asked.

"Waste of ammo at this range," the Captain told her. "They're taking evasives."

"We're taking evasives and they're still shooting at us!" Lissa pointed out.

"They've got more ammo to waste," Mims replied.

The distance shrank rapidly. The Encounter's sensors couldn't detect whether or not the enemy fighters were still firing MACdrivers at them, but no more holes appeared in the hull. Yvian's heart pounded as she watched them approach. She knew what the Encounter could do. The thought of facing three ships with the same capability...

The Captain spoke with calm focus. "Yvian, stay on sensors. Tell me if any more Terrans show up. And keep an eye out for the militia. They might decide to jump in."

"Acknowledged." If Mims wasn't worried... She took a breath and forced her shoulders to relax.

"Lissa, you're on damage control. Once we get in dogfighting range they'll put a lot of holes in us very quickly. I need you to keep us flying and keep the guns hot."

"Un..." Lissa swallowed. "Understood." Yvian's shoulders tensed up again.

"Alright, then." A grim excitement crept into his voice. "Let's dance."

The enemy ships decelerated as they neared firing range. Mims started to slow down as well, but gunned the engines again when they came within thirty kilometers. The gladiators opened up, spraying violet bolts of ionized death. Mims easily dodged, not bothering to return fire as he closed the distance.

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