Chapter 60: Don't Get Caught

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"Stealth is holding," said Lissa. "They don't know we're here."

It had been a frustrating two weeks. The last pirate group had laid low. The search for them had been complicated by the Brilend Militia. Every time a Militia group had spotted the Encounter, they'd moved to intercept. Mims had had to jump out of the system to avoid confrontation. No warrant had been issued. The crew of the Random Encounter were still privateers in good standing. That didn't change the fact that they were being hunted.

"Let's keep our distance," said the Captain. "Just in case."

The smart play would have been to leave. The Militia couldn't touch them once they left Brilend space. Mims had refused. He was pathologically incapable of leaving a job unfinished. The human wouldn't be satisfied until every pirate involved in the slaving ring was dead. Yvian would have admired his dedication more if she wasn't so worried he'd get them all killed.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Lissa asked. "I mean, attacking the Militia..."

The Flivvan media had plastered proof of the Militia running a slave operation all over the Nexus. The Brilend media hadn't acknowledged the story, but Yvian wagered most of their citizens had heard about it by now. To her immense disappointment, the Confederation Military had declined to investigate. They'd issued a statement declaring the matter outside of the purview and recommended a thorough investigation by the offices of the Brilend Magistrates. The Militia would investigate itself, and find it had done nothing wrong.

"Is suicide," Mims finished. "I know." Anyone foolish enough to attack a Militia vessel would have their IFF recorded instantly. Every Militia and Military vessel in the Confed would attack them on sight. Their ship would be impounded the moment they docked at a station. They would be forced to hide in the Unclaimed Sectors. Pirate space, and the pirates hated Mims as much as he hated them.

Mims continued, "But only if they know it's us." He started typing into his weapons console. "Open the bay doors."

The Militia didn't know it, but the playing field had changed drastically in the last four days. Migo had called. The Recompense was ready. The Captain had complained that the ship was supposed to be finished three weeks prior, but the gleam in his eye told Yvian he was pleased. Excited, even. Now she knew why.

The pirate fleet was small, more geared towards undefended traders than heavily guarded passenger ships. Three fighters, with a midsized freighter to carry cargo and slaves. Normally, they'd be easy pickings, but the pirates had refused to leave their station without escort. The Brilend Militia had obliged. Admiral Dresk himself had come. His ship, the Defender of Law, was accompanied by three corvettes, a frigate, and six fighters. The Defender itself was a battlecruiser, more than capable of dealing with anything a few measly privateers could throw at it. At least, it had been until four days ago.

The bay doors opened, exposing the Random Encounter to the void. Yvian held her breath for a few seconds. The stealth tech of the Recompense was new to them, and she wasn't sure it would be enough to hide the Encounter's presence. Mims had seemed fairly certain it would, as long as they stayed docked in the cruiser, but they had no way to be sure.

They waited. After a minute or so, Lissa let out a breath. "I think it's working. They can't see us."

Mims nodded. "If they knew we were here, they'd have done something by now." His fingers flew along the weapons console. "Double-checking our trajectory. Powering MACdriver." He paused for several seconds. "Any change?"

Lissa shook her head.

"Firing." The Encounter shuddered as the MACdriver did its work. Mims had visited his stash and loaded a full hundred rounds of his precious ammunition the day before. He used eighty three of them. When the vibrations stopped, he ordered, "Close the hangar."

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