Chapter 26: Bigger Guns

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 "Yvian, have the Paradigm Shift change course," Captain Mims ordered. "Plot a heading that will pass that mining station at a distance of ninety thousand kilometers."

"Plotting course," Yvian acknowledged. "Uh, why that distance?"

"Because that's the max range of her beam weapons," the human told her. "Keep her at max acceleration, but program some evasives. The Vrrl can hit her if they predict her course."

"On it." Yvian plotted minor course changes at timed intervals, in what she hoped was an unpredictable pattern.

"Lissa, I need you to pilot the Encounter for a bit." Mims stood up. "I've got her following the Paradigm, but I need you to shift our course just a little every eight seconds. Keep us moving in the same general direction, but do not let them predict where we'll be next. And keep an eye on those cruisers. There's no telling what they might throw at us."

"On it," Lissa pulled flight controls up on her station. "Where are you going to be?"

"The armory," he said, striding off the bridge. "Keep the comms open and let me know if anything happens."

The Captain had been gone for fifteen minutes when light flooded through the viewports. A solid beam, over thirty meters in diameter, flashed past the Random Encounter. The beam passed by for three seconds, at a distance of barely half a kilometer. The sensor readings showed an enormous amount of energy, more than she'd ever seen produced. A second beam lashed out from the other battlecruiser. This one was aimed at the Paradigm Shift. Sensors showed the beam scything through the space the Paradigm had been a few seconds ago.

"Bright Lady," Lissa swore.

"What in The Crunch was that?" Yvian wanted to know. Lissa shared a look with her. She couldn't see her face through the visor, but her eyes must be as wide as Yvian's were.

The question had been rhetorical, but to her surprise the Captain answered. She'd forgotten he was listening to their comms. "That," he told her, "Is the reason we're doing evasives. Ion Roarcannons. The Vrrl use them to strip the shields of capitol ships and large stations."

"What happens if it hits us?"

"We fucking die." Footsteps heralded the Captain's arrival on the bridge. He was carrying a very large crate. "The Roarcannons pack enough punch to shred our shields, fry every system on the ship, and turn the three of us into charcoal." He let out a grunt of effort as he set the crate down. "The good news is Roarcannons take a long time to charge. They should only be able to shoot at us every twenty minutes or so."

"What's in the crate?" Lissa asked.


"We're already carrying guns," Lissa pointed out.

"These are bigger guns," he told her. "You don't want to fight the Vrrl without bigger guns." He strode back off the bridge. "Keep dodging. I've got more stuff to bring up."

Eight minutes later, the Captain brought another crate onto the bridge. Light flooded through the viewports as Roarcannon fire swept passed. This one wasn't as close as the last, but it still sent a bolt of fear shooting up Yvian's legs. A second Roarcannon beam followed, on its way to the Paradigm Shift. That one would miss, as well.

"I thought you said they could only fire that thing every twenty minutes," Lissa accused.

"That's exactly what I said," agreed the human.

Lissa pointed out the viewport, nonplussed. "Well now what do you think?"

He shrugged. "I think I was wrong." He walked off the bridge again.

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