
165 3 0

42 BBY
Attack of the clones

"Eris remains in harmony, your majesty

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"Eris remains in harmony, your majesty. The people miss you dearly and are preparing for the eclipse to pass, everyone is hoping you will be able to return in time for the celebration of Helios."

Odessa rapped her hands behind her back, staring up at the flicking hologram which switched continuously from clear and transparent, to hazy and obscure "I hope too that everything will be resolved by then, is there anything else to report General?"

He shock his head "No my Queen, everything is as you left it."

She smiled softly "Thank you General, your hard work is greatly appreciated."

The image was quick to finished as Artoo returned the small transmitter back into his armour with a simple beep. She was secluded into a hushed and private room were she could finish off confidential arrangements, once's which made her heart swell from appreciation, once's that finalised that Eris was doing fine on its own.

Her mood was diminished slightly, after waking up without a certain someone beside her and a pounding headache which left her bitter and sullen. She hadn't seen Anakin all day, the long hours of being propped and pocked by her handmaidens to get into her formal wear and meetings filled with matters of business, taking up any chances of seeing the young Jedi.

"Come Artoo." She spoke softly, as she walked towards the doors, allowing them to open automatically as she walked through them

It was clamorous now, dark and dusk as she now moved through the dimly lighted halls, sending a few of the workers in the home, a simple smile as she navigated her way back to her room. Odessa continued up the stairs, holding the black and silver crested material of her skirt, as she moved up towards the higher floor. She turned a corner sharply, letting out a small deep breath as she bumped into a towering figure.

"Anakin." She commented, her eyes widening with her hands on his shoulder, and his hand on her waist to stabilise the abrupt contact.

He hesitated for a moment "May we speak?"

Odessa nodded moving into the comfort of her chambers as he and Artoo followed closely behind "Open the windows and balcony door for me please, Artoo."

As the droid rolled orderly away from the two, Odessa trailed around the living centre of her room, picking objects up as she attempted to straighten and put things back into their rightful place.

Anakin only watched her for a moment, staring down at the framed photographs on the table in the centre, the pictures clearly showing an even younger looking Odessa with her father, Qui-Gon Jinn. She was on his shoulder, pointing happily at something unknown in the distance, whilst the older man smiled awkwardly for the photograph.  Another was off herself and Padme, mostly submerged by the ocean blue waters, her heads and clear smiles being the only indication of the two, as they smiled gleefully.

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