Chapter 17- The Resurrection

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"Who the hell are these guys?" Damian asks.

"Priests. Imhotep's priests." Ardeth Ray says. 

Damian pulls the elephant gun out of his gunny sack. "I never killed a priest before,"

"They are evil, cursed; they matter not."

"Well, okay then." Damian fires the elephant gun. 

Smoke and flame shoot out. He blasts one of the mummies. It blows its upper torso clean off. Damian pumps the gun; the vast spent cartilage flips through the air. The fires again. He blasts the other mummy and blows this one's torso clean off as well. The smoke clears. Two sets of legs keep walking forward, unaffected by the loss of their upper torso. Damian can't believe it. "Oh, come on, give me a break here." And then the disembowelled upper torso starts to move, turning over and crawling towards our heroes, who begin to back away.

Imhotep turns from the altar as he hears more gunshots echoing out of the passageways. He angrily reaches into another of Anck-su-namun's canopic jars, pulls out her crusty liver, and crushes it to dust. Then, he quickly starts reading a passage from the Book and blows the dust down a passageway."Kill them! Kill them all! And bring me the Book Of The Living!" he says in ancient Egyptian.

A dusty breeze blows into the chamber as Damian, Jonathan and Ardeth Ray back away from the mummy pieces. The floor where they were just standing suddenly starts to move. Two more mummies start slowly digging their way up out of the floor. More mummies start coming out of the walls and crawling out of the piles of gold. All the mummies head for our heroes.Damian lifts the elephant gun. Ardeth Ray stops him. "My turn." 

Ardeth Ray opens up with the Lewis gun and blasts the mummies. They keep on coming. Even more now. Damian opens fire with the elephant gun, pumping and firing as all three of the men back away and haul. The mummies and mummy pieces follow them into the passageway. Then Beni creeps into the chamber. He stares in wonder at all the treasure. Then falls backwards into a pile of jewels and rolls about.

(Y/N) wakes up, lying chained to the top of the altar. She blinks! She looks down at her stomach, feels something standing on her and sees a rat; she screams, turning her body to the side and flaying off the creature, only to see the rotted body of Anck-su-namun's corpse. (Y/N) screams.

The elephant gun fires, blasting flame and smoke. Damian, Jonathan and Ardeth Ray race down a passageway, a dozen mummies striding after them. "this whole place is coming alive." The men race around a corner. More mummies. They run around another corner. More mummies. Onward they come. Methodical. Relentless. Boxing in our heroes. Damian and Ardeth Ray firing as they go. Ardeth Ray goes empty. "I'm out."

He throws the machine gun down as they all race into -- -- a small chamber. In the middle of the chamber, the lower half of a giant statue of Horus stands. 

"There he is!" Jonathan shouts. 

They run up to the base of the statue. 

"Hello, Horus, old boy," Jonathan says. Damian looks back at the mummies coming down the passageway. He reaches into his gunny sack and pulls out a stick of dynamite. Ardeth Ray taps him on the shoulder. "Allow me." 

Damian hands him the dynamite and a match, then turns to look at the statue. Ardeth Ray reaches forward and strikes the match off Damian's stubbly face. Damian yelps. Ardeth Ray lights the dynamite and throws it down the passageway. They all hit the deck, and the dynamite explodes. Ripping apart, the creatures caused a cave-in and sealed the passageway with rock and dirt. Now, there's only one way out—another dark, creepy passageway.

Chained tight to the top of the altar, (Y/N) hopelessly struggles to free herself. She stops as Priest mummies start surrounding the altar. She stops as the hideous mummies kneel down and begin to chant.-- which now sounds seven more horrific due to the lack of tongues, jaws and mouths in the room. Imhotep steps up carrying the black Book of the Dead. His hand reaches out and lovingly caresses anck-su-namun's decayed cheek.

Damian and Jonathan are digging away at the seams of the secret compartment, and it starts to give. That's when Ardeth Ray spots another group of rotting mummies coming down the dark passageway, heading right for them. Damian looks up. "These guys just don't quit." 

Ardeth Ray grabs the elephant gun and a handful of shells and runs off towards the mummies. "Keep digging!"

Damian and Jonathan redouble their efforts, pulling harder on the seam. The compartment starts to loosen, and it is about to give. The last time this happened, salt acid sprayed out, remember? Our heroes keep tugging. The tension mounts. That's when a skeletal hand bursts out of the ground and grabs Damian's ankle. Several more mouldy hands burst out of the ground. Damian and Jonathan struggle with the mummies as they crawl up out of the dirt floor. One of the mummies violently shoves Damian away. Another grabs Jonathan by the throat and starts to strangle him. A third mummy grabs at the secret compartment and pulls hard. An intense burst of acid sprays out of the seam and hits all three of the mummies. The one strangling Jonathan gets it in the back and drops him. All three mummies melt horribly.

Imhotep begins to read from The Book Of The Dead. A sizeable swirling hole starts to open in the detritus bog. (Y/N)'s eyes widen in amazement and horror. Ardeth Ray blasts away at the oncoming mummies. Over at the base of the statue, Damian and Jonathan pull an ornate chest out of the secret compartment. Damian rips off the lid, reaches inside, and pulls out a heavy burlap bay. He and Jonathan exchange nervous, excited looks. Then he reaches into the bag and pulls out a solid gold book of the living—golden light reflects off their faces as they stare in wonder. The elephant gun goes empty. Ardeth Ray takes it by the barrel and wades into the remaining mummies swinging. "Save the girl! Kill the creature!"

The mummies quickly overwhelm and start to tear him apart. Damian lights the last stick and throws it against the far wall. He and Jonathan hit the deck. " that's the last one; we better get lucky." 

The wall blows. Debris collapses, -- but now there is a hole for them to get out. Damian and Jonathan race through the hole just as the remaining mummies enter the chamber.

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