Chapter 5- Set Sail

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Candlelight flickers across the Curator's face. "She must die." 

Standing in the shadows across from his desk are three Medjay: blue-tinted skin, hideous facial tattoos, and the works. One of the Medjays has a rusty metal hook for a hand. He shrugs. "She is like all the others. She will die in the desert," the Curator replied.

"She has seen too much. She knows too much." 

The Curator leans across his desk, fear in his eyes. "Not only does she have a map, but she has the key." 

He spooks the hell out of the Medjay guys. The man with the hook says, "The key!? She has the lost key!?"  

"Yes. No one has ever had so much, been so close. We must stop her, or it will be the end of us."

"Then we will kill her; we will kill her and all those with her." the Curator adds. 

"And burn the map and retrieve the key."  

"It will be done. But what of the American expedition? They leave tomorrow as well."  

"Forget the Americans; they will be like all the others. Without the map to guide them, how can they possibly find Hamunaptra?"

Back to the docks where the Americans stand, "It is three days down the Nile, then two days by camel, sahibs," Beni says, standing on the bow of a passenger's barge at the Giza port.

Surrounded by Daniels, Henderson and Burns. Daniels says, directed towards Beni, "For all the money we're paying you, something better god-damned will be under that sand." 

Henderson slaps Daniels on the back. "Hamunaptra, Daniels, that's all ya gotta keep saying to yourself, Hamunaptra." 

A team of explorers swarm the docks. Across the Nile, the pyramids spike the sky.

(Y/N) and Jonathan walks along the boardwalk besieged by hawkers selling everything from toy tombs to King Tut action figures. "Do you really think he'll show up?" 

Jonathan reassures, "Undoubtedly, I know the breed; he may be a cowboy, but his word is his word." 

(Y/N) describes Damian: "Personally, I think he's filthy, rude and a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit." 

"Anyone I know" 

They both turn. Damian walks up, shaved, showered, spit and polished, with a new haircut and clothes. He looks more dashing and handsome than ever. 

(Y/N) is suitably impressed. "Oh.... um,...hello." 

Jonathan grabs Damian's arm and shakes his hand. "Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, Wayne?" 

Damian quickly checks his pockets. "Yeah, sure, smashing." he finds his wallet and relaxes.

Burns wipes his bifocals on the barge's bow and turns to Beni. "Are you sure Hamunaptra is out there?"  

"Along with the scorched bones of my entire garrison, sahib." 

And that's when Beni spots Wayne. Beni shakes his head as if seeing a mirage, then backs away from the men. "A thousand pardons, my good sahibs, but much work must be done." 

Beni quickly scurries off, vanishing down into the hold.

(Y/N), recovering, she clears her throat. "Mister Wayne, can you look me in the eye and guarantee this is not some flimflam? Because if it is, I'm warning you-" 

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