Chapter 6- Special Visitors

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"George 1860... in 1865, was...was.. oh for heaven's sake girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss, anyway" (Y/N) says, trying to read her book but failing. 

She storms around the room, slamming her window shut, only for it to bounce open again. (Y/N), wearing a nightgown, stands in front of a mirror inside her cabin. She brushes her hair twice before heading a thud; looking down, she goes and picks up her book; when she looks back up at the mirror, she sees one of the hideous Medjay! It's Hook. He grabs her by the neck and turns her around to face him; he slams his hand over her mouth and lifts up his Hook, ready to strike, and growls, "Where is the map?" 

(Y/N), terrified eyes glance down, nodding "It''s...there." 

Hook looks over and sees the map next to the flickering candle on a nearby table. "And the key? Where is the key?" 

(Y/N)'s eyes look confused. She shakes her head. Hook grins. "Then I'll find it myself." 

He cocks his Hook, about to kill her. And that's when the door is kicked open. Damian bursts in, gun in each hand "(Y/N)! ". 

Hook spins (Y/N) around and holds her out before him. Damian looks at her. "Friend of yours?"

(Y/N)'s eyes widen. And that's when the candle is on the table. Everything happens simultaneously; Damian spins around just as a window bursts open. a Medjay leans in. and fires a gun. Woodchips blast off the wall next to Damian's head. He returns fire. Kills the Medjay. The Medjey falls back.

A lantern in the room is blasted, firing blindly. Kerosene splashes across the wall and bursts into flames. (Y/N) grabs the candle on the table and jams it back over her shoulder, right into Hook's eye. He screeches in pain and lets her go. Damian grabs and yanks her out of the flaming room and into the hallway. As Damian pulls (Y/N) down the hall, she tries to jerk free. "The map! We need the map!" 

He shoves her against the wall, "Relax! I'm the map!" and taps his forehead. "It's all up here."

"Oh, that's comforting", 

Damian gives her a look, then pulls her forward. "C'mon, there's still one more of those guys here somewhere."

Hot melted wax covers Hook's face in the flaming room as he holds his sore eye and struggles to the door. Then he notices the key/box on the floor. He bends over to pick it up. And that's when the door is kicked open again; it hits him in the ass and knocks him into the fire. Jonathan leans in. Sees nothing but flames. 


Then he sees the key/box on the floor and picks it up. A hand suddenly snatches the key/box away from him. "Hey, that's mine---" 

It's Hook. His backside is now on fire. He lifts his pistol. Jonathan quickly backpedals out the door as Hook opens fire.

Damian and (Y/N) race out onto the deck near the horse paddock. People are screaming and shouting, lots of panic. BLAM! A chunk of the wall is blown off next to (Y/N)'s head. Damian pivots and fires back. It's the last Medjay on the other side of the paddock. He and Damian exchange gunfire. Another lantern bursts into flames. Damian shoots off the paddock lock. The horses go nuts. Damian fires over their heads. They charge forward and crash through the door. The Medjay screams as the horses stampede over him. Flames sweep up the walls and race across the roof. Half the barge is now on fire. Damian throws the gunny sack over his shoulder. "Can you swim?" 

"Well, of course, I can swim if the occasion calls for it." 

"Trust me--" He picks her up and throws her over. "--The occasion calls for it." 

(Y/N) splashes into the water. Damian dives in after her.

Jonathan runs out onto the bow and sees the three Americans, guns in every hand, fanning their pistols, shooting everything in sight. Jonathan shakes his head."Americans." 

Hook suddenly stumbles up behind him, --now a flaming torch. Jonathan turns around; Hook grabs him by the throat with his flaming arm and pints him to the cabin wall. Jonathan's eyes widened as he saw a hook rising up inside the flames about to strike him. The Americans pivot and OPEN FIRE. Blow Hook over the railing. Jonathan turns to the Americans and smiles. "I say! Good show!" 

Then he points his thumb at himself. "And did I panic?" 

He lifts up his other hand and has the key/box back. "I think not." 

And that's when the horses stampede onto the bow. Jonathan dives over one side, and the three Americans descend over the other.

After a light swim, Damian, (Y/N), Jonathan and the Warden wade out of the water. (Y/N)'s nightgown clings tight to her body as she wrings it out. She looks good. Damian notices. Everybody else, including the horses, is leaving on the far shore. Damian spots Beni running up to the American. "Hey, Wayne, it looks to me like I got all the horses!" 

"Hey, Beni! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river." 

Beni looks up at the stars, then angrily kicks the sand, cursing. The flaming badge drifts off, slowly sinking...

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