Chapter 7- The True Start of The Journey

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Damian barters in Arabic with a camel trader at a trading post. Jonathan forks over some cash. The Trader hands them the reins of four ugly old camels. "I can't believe the price of these fleabags." 

"We coulda had 'em for free; all we had to do was give 'em your sister." 

"Yes, awfully tempting, wasn't it?" 


And that's when (Y/N) steps out of a trading tent. She's changed into a gorgeous, tightly fitted Bedouin dress. "Then again..."

Damian, (Y/N), Jonathan and the Warden are on camels in the middle of the frying pan, the endless, sunbaked Sahara. Jonathan complains, "Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit. Disgusting." 

The Warden savagely attacks a chicken wing with his vile green teeth. Flies buzz around his head. He sucks at his gums, then spits out some gristle. Damian watches him. "yeah, disgusting."

Meanwhile, (Y/N) is having the time of her life on top of her camel. "Well, I think they're cute," she says, scrubbing the camel's head. 

They ride on to overlook the majesty of the desert and follow more profound and deeper into it. The Warden begins to sing a song while journeying through the desert. The wind begins to pick up, flying sand around them as they continue their journey to Hamunaptra.

The moon shines down on a four-lone camel rider trekking across the vast wasteland. Jonathan is sound asleep, his head bobbing comically to the rhythm of his camel. On the camel next to him, the Warden snores loudly. In front of them, (Y/N) slowly starts to slide off her saddle and leans onto Damian. Damian reaches over and stops her from completely falling off her camel by gently pushing her back up onto her saddle, never waking her. Jonathan, woken by the snoring, whips the warden, waking him up from his slumber; for a long moment, Damian's eyes watch (Y/N), and then he looks up at a distant ridge where Ardeth Ray and a group of Medjay riders are pacing them.

As Jonathan and the Warden ride alongside a giant sand dune, the dawning sun hasn't yet crested the distant horizon. "And you snore!" 

"I do not snore!" says the Warden. 

"All night, you snored!" Jonathan argued back. 

"I have never snored!"

Up in front of them, Damian looks at (Y/N). "We're almost there." 

"Are you sure?" (Y/N) questions him. 

Damian looks down at the ground. "Pretty sure." 

The others look down and see dozens of skeletons sticking out of the ground. Bleached and eaten away. Some skeletons look like they're trying to crawl out of the desert floor. "What in bloody hell is this?" Jonathan screeches. 

The Warden shivers in fear. "Other seekers of Hamunaptra."

The American Expedition rides out from behind the far end of the dune. The Americans are accompanied by two dozen native diggers and an Arab Egyptologist. Beni rides lead on a camel, and the rest ride horses. "Good morning, my friend!"

Damian just nods. The two parties come to a stop a hundred feet apart. Damian turns and stares out across the endless horizon. Beni does likewise. The Americans look puzzled. Daniels asks, "Well, what the hell we doin'?" 

Beni replies, "Patience, my good sahib, patience." 

Henderson looks over at Damian. "First one to the city, Wayne! Five hundred! Cash bucks!"

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