Chapter 8- Have A Look Around

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Damian waves a torch as Jonathan, (Y/N) and the warden drop down next to him. (Y/N) peers into the spooky darkness. "Do you realise we are standing inside a room that no one has entered in over three thousand years?" 

Once Jonathan reaches the ground, "What is that god-awful stench?"  

Jonathan sniffs the foul air, then looks at the warden and realises where the smell is coming from. he stops sniffing. 

The warden looks around and says, "Who cares? I don't see any treasure." He's still replying to (Y/N)'s comment.

Damian replies, "You're welcome to my share of the spider webs." 

"And it sticks to high heaven in here", Jonathan concludes. 

 (Y/N) rolls her eyes. "cretins." 

(Y/N) brushes cobwebs away from a metal disk on the wall, then repositions it on its pedestal, aiming it at a ray of light shining in from the outer mirrors. The ray of light hits the disk and quickly shoots around the room from one dial to another until the whole chamber is lit up. Light rays shoot off down the passageway; it's the embalmer's chamber. "that's a neat trick,"

(Y/N), looking around the room that is as clear as day from all the sunlight. "Oh my god, it's a sah-netjer." 


"A preparation room" 

"Preparation for what?" 

 "For entering the afterlife," (Y/N) says spookily while Damian quickly draws his gun. 

Jonathan gently nudges him. "mummies, my good son, this is where they made the mummies."

(Y/N) heads down a narrow passageway. The others follow.

Damian (Y/N) and Jonathan crouch as they make their way through a narrow, cobweb-infested labyrinth. The short, squat warden can stand straight up. Then they hear something and freeze. It sounds like somebody is crawling inside the walls. They share looks while turning around in circles to find where it is coming from. Jonathan asks, scared, "What was that?" 

"Sounds like bugs," Damian says, unsure. 

"He said bus," (Y/N) whispered.

"What do you mean bugs? I hate bugs!" 

The warden says loudly. They slowly move forward. Getting darker and darker as they go.

They slowly creep out of the labyrinth and up to the foot of an enormous half-buried statue. The lower half of Anubis. 

"The secret compartment should be hidden somewhere inside here." (Y/N) says, looking at the base of the statue. 

Then they hear a sound again, all turning in different directions, unsure where it came from, still moving to bring the room to light, coming closer now from the other side of the statue. And closer. Damian pulls (Y/N) behind him. And closer. Damian raises his guns. And closer! Damian leaps out. --three horrible, sweaty faces lunge at him. Damian reacts. But doesn't pull the trigger because it's just the Americans; their guns are up, cocked and aimed. Henderson says, "Ya scared the bejeezus out of us, Wayne" 

"Likewise", nobody lowers their guns. 

Burns spots something in (Y/N) arms. "Hey, that's my tool kit."

Damian points his gun at him just as he is going to take it from (Y/N). "No, I don't think so."

(Y/N) brings the kit closer to her chest. Burns pulls his arm back. "Okay? Perhaps I was mistaken." 

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