Chapter 11- The Plagues

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Having just freshened up for bed, (Y/N) exits the temple and steps past the sleeping diggers. She spots the Egyptologist, his jewelled canonic jar snug under one arm, the book of the dead laying loose under the other. (Y/N) stares at the book, nervously biting her lip, then she sneaks over, carefully steals it, and quickly tip-toes away.

Lying on some blankets by the campfire, Damian rolls over and sees (Y/N) sitting wide-eyed, staring at the book. "You sure you outta be playing around with that?"  

"It's just a book; no harm ever came from it." (Y/N) opens the cover. The fire flickers. She and Damian share a nervous look, and then (Y/N) shrugs and starts reading. "Ahm Kum Ra. Ahm Kum Dei."

 (Y/N) continues reading the book aloud in ancient Egyptian.

Meanwhile, (Y/N)'s voice is even heard in Imhotep's chamber; from the echoing of her voice, the eyes of Imhotep open! Revealing empty sockets. The Egyptologist sits bolt upright. Quickly looks around and sees (Y/N) reading the book. He gets up and runs for her. "No! Noooo! You must not!"

He skids to a stop, and a strange pricing whine is heard in the desert. Damian and the others all leap to their feet. The Americans run out of their tents. The sound gets louder and closer. And then, out of the darkness, a vast wall of locusts swirls into the camp and envelopes everyone. Damian grabs (Y/N), and with Jonathan at their side, they race for the crevice, trying to fend off the horrid vermin as they go. Beni and the Americans run for the temple. The Egyptologist is covered in locusts. He stares at the Book of the Dead, looking haunted. "What have we done?"

The campfire is sucked up into the air.

Damian, (Y/N) and Jonathan race down the labyrinth, slapping at themselves and picking locusts off their hair. "Did you see that!? Grasshoppers! Billions of grasshoppers!"

"That's one of the plagues, right? The grasshopper plague!"  

"That's not a plague. It's generational. Every so many years, the locusts of Egypt have a population explosion, and they all take flight." (Y/N) steps forward, something squishes. 

Damian lowers his torch; the entire floor is filled with slimy frogs. "Okay, .... what about frogs?"

The Americans, Beni and the diggers race down into a passageway. Burns is knocked down, and his bifocals skitter across the ground, resulting in Beni crushing them as he runs past him; Burns staggers to his feet, squinting. Blurry figures vanish into darkness, "Daniels! Henderson!"

The ground under Damian, (Y/N) and Jonathan starts to shake, then suddenly, right in front of them, hundreds of chittering scarab beetles boil up out of the sand and start scurrying towards them. (Y/N) screams. Jonathan screams. Even Damian almost screams. They turn around and haul themselves out.

Burns staggers down a passageway, squinting, his hand out inferno of him, groping, trying not to bump into anything. Then, a dark, blurry figure steps out ten feet before him. "Daniels?... is that you?"

Burns half-blindly staggers forward. The figure doesn't move. "Henderson?"

Burns trips and stumbles forward towards the figure; his hand reach out and sinks into Imhotep's putrid chest cavity. Burns jumps like a scaled cat, pulls his hand out and looks at them; his hands are covered in molten flesh rot. he starts to scream. And a skeletal hand clamps over his mouth.

Damian, (Y/N) and Jonathan race up the staircase, just ahead of the mass of scurrying, chittering scarabs. Damian leaps out onto a pedestal. Jonathan jumps up next to him. (Y/N) jumps up into a grotto on the other side of the narrow stairway. The horrible herd of vicious scarabs scurries between them; their ear-piercing critters send shivers up (Y/N)'s spine. She leans back. The wall moves. (Y/N) falls backwards through an opening. Damian and Jonathan watch the scarabs vanish up the staircase. Then they look across the way. (Y/N) is gone. "(Y/N)!?"

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