Chapter 13- The Start of the Problems

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Damian, Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels follow (Y/N) across the Ramesseum. "Only one person I know can give us some answers."

They round a corner and come upon the Curator, --who is talking with Ardeth Ray. Everybody stops. "YOU!" everybody shouts. 

Damain and the Americans quickly draw their guns. Ardeth Ray scowls. The Curator nods his head. "Miss (L/N). Gentlemen."  

"What is he doing here?" (Y/N) says. 

 "Do you truly wish to know? Or would you prefer just to shoot us?" Everybody tenses, guns up.

Then Damian uncocks his .38. "I Just saw my fist vanish into some guy's head."He slides his gun back into his shoulder holster. 

"I'm willing to go on a little faith here." 

 "You will not believe it." the Curator says. 

 "Try me."

Everyone is assembled around the tomb display of Seti The First, near his chariot and sword. The Curator sits on Seti's throne. "We are part of an ancient secret society, the cult-of-the-Medjay, and we have a sacred mission passed down through thirty-nine generations. We have guarded The City Of The Dead for over four thousand years. We are sworn at manhood to do anything in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world." "And because of you, we have failed", Ardeth Ray continues. 

(Y/N) appaled says, "And you think this justifies killing innocent people!?"   

"To have stopped this creature? Yes!" the Curator says. 

Damian cuts in, "Okay, let's cut to the chase. He's afraid of cats; what's that about?" 

 "According to the ancients, cats are the guardians at the gates of the underworld. Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, and then he will fear nothing." the Curator explains. 

Daniels is totally wigged out; he looks at Damian. "right! And you know how he gets fully regenerated?! By killing everybody who opened that chest and sucking us dry! That's how!"     

"Yes, the creature must first try and regenerate, and then he will attempt to resurrect the one he has loved for more than four thousand years."     

"Anck-su-namun." (Y/N) says. 

The Curator and Ardeth Ray look at (Y/N), thunderstruck. "In the necropolis, when I saw him, alive, ...walking, he called me Anck-su-namun. And then, in Mister Burns' quarters, he tried to kiss me."   

"It is because it was you who read from the Book. He has chosen you to be the human sacrifice needed to regenerate the body of Anck-su-namun. "

Jonathan scratches his ear with the barrel of his pistol. "this is not good. Not good at all."

Ardeth Ray has been staring out a wall of windows. "Tonight is the full moon, the moon of Osiris. It will begin tonight." 

Everyone follows Ardeth Ray's eyes; through the window, we can see the sun, --which is now going through a total eclipse. 

"... He stretched forth his hands towards the heavens. There was darkness throughout the land of Egypt," Jonathan says. 

Damian looks out a window at the British Soldiers manning the walls. Above and beyond them, -is the black sun.

(Y/N) and Jonathan is pacing the foyer. "We must stop him from regenerating." 

She turns to Daniels and Henderson. "Who opened that chest?" 

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