I pull on my white knee high lace stockings to try and cover my exposed skin the best I can. I hate having my skin show like this. I asked to wear trousers like the guys do but the school said 'that's not a proper way a lady should dress.' So I pull down my skirt trying to stretch it out, and pull up my stockings as high as they can go. I quickly slip on my old Doc Martens.

I wear my hair down and part it to the sides, having it rest on my shoulders with little braids in it. I decided to go with a light natural makeup look. Mascara, eyeliner on my top and lower lash line to bring out my green eyes. Blush with some highlight to enhance my strong cheekbones. And to finish it all off with a pink glossy lip.

I grab my white backpack and head down stairs out the door. I see Hunter leaning on his car dressed in a suit for work. I get in the passenger seat and buckle up. Hunter starts the car driving us off to an unexpected fate that'll determine what happens next for this year. I stare out the window seeing the brown oak with deep green leaves pass by creating a calm color. But that calm then turns into high raised gray steel buildings holding a dominating power entering the world of the wealthy.

"After the incident at your old school, part of the agreement for you to go here is that you have to see their counselor. She's agreed to see you every other day. And this is not up for debate." I haven't been in counseling since I was 15. The nightmares stopped and the panic attacks have lessened. Counselors have this way of getting into your head stripping you bare, revealing your deepest secrets out before you. He knows there are certain things that he doesn't want me to talk about, so why is he pushing this?

At a stop light I turn and face Hunter. "I'll go because the school said so. I haven't needed therapy in over 2 years now. I'm fine, even mom thinks-" I stop myself from talking about mom anymore. Hunter's hands grip the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white. His jaw clenches and his right eye twitches. "Yes, her. The woman who would rather get drunk and party on the job then come home to take care of her kids. She's real reliable on mentally stability Ashby."

Hunter has issues with our mom and they are valid. She travels all the time and would rather be thousands of miles away from her kids, drinking in her sorrows. Yes it hurts a lot how neglectful she can be. But she's our mom and really does love and care for us. She was there for me when the nightmares started and stayed up with me when I was too scared to go to sleep. When her husband passed away that spark of life that was once in her eyes disappeared. I can't hate her the way Hunter does. I just can't.

"I'm sorry but she is still our mom and if you don't want to talk with her that's fine. I'll respect your choice but you have to respect mine too." I explained. "Then where is she, huh? Because I'm here taking care of you, and she's gone. She'll only continue to hurt you, can't you see that? I don't understand why I'm not enough for you." He argues and ends the conversation by pulling up in front of the school.

We park the car and I look up at the building and I automatically feel small. It is a tall dark Victorian style structure. Giving it a very hauntingly beautiful ominous look to it. It stands at 2 stories high with big tall spires and sharp turrets. The windows are stainless glass and some have rich angel designs on them. The building is surrounded by large well cut green land with a glass greenhouse. This place screams old money that powerful people put a lot of work into.

Teens come out of their luxurious cars, some even arrive in limos. They carry designer bags, dress in rich clothing along with expensive jewelry, and shoes. I look down at my old rough Doc Martens wishing they looked more nicer than they are. I go to reach in the back seat to get my bag. "Wait," Hunter grabs me by my wrist stopping me from getting out of his car. His eyes narrow and darken.

Surrender -7 Deadly Sins Novel Where stories live. Discover now