-Chapter 3-

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1 2 3 fall..."What does that mean?" I murmured to the boy that's sitting next me. As I wiped my teary eyes, sniffling with my legs pulled to my chest. "It's something I made up when I get too overwhelmed by chaos. I figured that if I can't outrun it, then I can tame it. Use what little control I have to find comfort within my own darkness, and own it. It helps me to stay anchored without falling in too deep; and letting the chaos consume me up inside, leaving me helpless. I may not be able to control what's happening around me but I can control how I respond to it."

I think back to when my first friend I ever made 10 years ago told me his secret of how he learned to survive chaos. Those 4 little words have given me strength that kept me from drowning back into that sea of red. That has become my never ending torment. Whenever I start to get overwhelmed and feel my throat closing up. I say that mantra over and over again to keep myself grounded. Not giving into my fear, but controlling it.

So now as I stare into the eyes of some that screams chaos. I stand my ground tilting my chin up, not cowering under those punishing green eyes. They no longer hold that curious glint searching for something unknown within me. They harden now darkening with the intent to burn and destroy.

The only sound that can be heard is my rapid breathing and heartbeat. I won't lie and say that I am not terrified -because I am. Only a fool would think that they can go against someone like Everestt, and win. But still, I won't allow him the satisfaction of seeing me scared. Thinking that I am some helpless girl. 1 2 3 fall.

In the dimly lit bathroom that casts a shadow on his face. I can see he's cleaned up after the fight but has a few small cuts on his face. Especially one on his right cheek from when Jacob Riley decked him there, all because he got distracted by me. His left hand is by the side of my head caging me between him and the wall. His right one that looks red with no bandages on it covers mouth.

"Tonight was a mistake, and it's all your fucking fault." Everestt growls out with a dark edge to his voice making my blood run cold. This is about more than him losing a fight. It runs way deeper and is something else entirely. But I don't have the time to think about what that is.
I need to somehow leave-

"You weren't supposed to come back. Why did you come back?" Everestt confesses with anger that's rooted in a deep torment. Come back...? He has to have me confused with somebody else. I never met him before. I don't know him, and he for sure doesn't know me. What is his problem? Why is he doing this to me?

Struggling in his hold and pushing on his chest. My stupid foot gets caught in the tear on my dress. Making me trip, losing my balance going forward. Everestt catches me by my waist holding me up from falling down. He looks down at the small hole that's caught on the front end of my combat boot. Standing on one leg I try moving my trapped foot out. Hopefully I can knee him in the process, but nothing works. What is this fabric made out of?!

"Having trouble there? Or is this a part of a very unusual fashion statement you're making?" Everestt quips, amused by my misfortune right now. "Yes. The trouble I'm having is that I can't knee you in your dick, asshole." I sign but realize he can't understand me. Maybe if I type it out on my phone- Fuck! Where's my phone? It's not in my pockets. Shit I lost it.

"I can easily help you, but you'll have to prove something to me after." Prove what? You know what - I'll play along because after this I'm getting Noah to take me home, and planning on never seeing Everestt again. "Deal?" Everestt lifts a brow, and pauses waiting for my answer. "Deal." I finger spell out, not caring that he can't understand me. He's smart enough to figure it out. "I'll take that as a yes then."

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