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"And I love you, Regulus Black." I softly sighed into his chest. I do love him. Truly. I just didn't know what to do in this moment. We need to go destroy that necklace. We have so much to talk about since I was locked away months ago. I need to tell him, his brother and my cell mate work with me now.


Sirius and Killian. I completely forgot about meeting them.

"I have to go." I whispered pulling away from his arms. His face looked down on me confused, his hair slightly shorter than the last time I saw him. "I have to go get Sirius and Killian."

"My brother?" He questioned stepping back a step.

"What other Sirius do we know Reg." I laughed before attempting to apperate but I was far too drained to do so.

"You can't apperate right now Bella, you'll die, you just took us over multiple countries and we still have to get to Ireland."


"Here, I will tell Kreacher to tell them something." He smiled before Kreacher appeared next to him waiting. He whispered something to him and then he was gone once again. But the question still stands. How the hell are we going to get to Ireland.

"I believe I have an idea." Dumbledore whispered. "While you, Mrs.Black, cannot take us to our destination. I may be able to. But first, Mr.Black. We need to know exactly what we are dealing with upon arrival." He glared towards Regulus whose face was already filled with worry.

"I don't want Bella there." He sighed keeping contact with the old man. Not daring to glance towards me. "I almost died in that cave, I do not want to have to put her in that situation."

"I'm going. End of story. Continue Professor." I smiled back towards Dumbledore who was waiting for confirmation from Regulus. Regulus just rolled his eyes pointing towards me then shaking his head. Whatever. He mumbled just loud enough for me to hear it.

"It's in Ireland, which you all know, however once you get into the cave part, you have to summon a boat to cross a body of water, the water is filled with inferi. But that's not even the hard part. The potion protecting the necklace." He paused shaking his head. "It brings you as close to death as physically possible. If you're alone, the inferi will get you, if you're not then you suffer for hours until it fades."

"Sounds easy enough. Who's drinking it?"

"Me of course." Professor Dumbledore smiled. "You two are just beginning your stories, if anyone takes that risk it should be one nearing the end as it is."

"Well then it's settled. Are we ready?" I smiled again ready to destroy the next thing bringing us closer to the end of this terror.

"As I'll ever be." Regulus muttered before making his way next to Dumbledore to apperate us there.

It felt as if only a small moment had passed before I felt the cold breeze of the ocean along the back of my dress. Yes, unfortunately I am still in the dress from the party, sadly I did not have time to change. The wall was bare, all stone, no entrance to be seen. Regulus walked over to a wall before sliding a rock along his hand, I ran over asking what he was doing before taking his hand in mine and wrapping it with a piece of my dress. 

Slowly the blood began to slightly glow along the wall before opening up a passage for us. I glanced up at him seeing the worry fill his face as he slowly took a step in. The air was wet and cold, we could no longer hear the ocean as the wall closed itself behind us. 

"It only opens once the boat returns." Regulus softly spoke before holding his hand above the water causing a chain to shoot up that he began to pull. Slowly a small boat emerged in front of us. All 3 of us slowly climed in as it set it's way towards a small island. Regulus and Dumbledore held their wands up speaking "lumos maxima" before light flooded the large cave around me. A tall percival looking thing stood in front of us on a crystal island. 

"It's beautiful" I muttered softly. 

"All beautiful things are dangerous love." Regulus slowly whispered holding his hand ut to pull me onshore. 

"Now here's the hard part." Regulus sighed handing a seashell to Dumbledore.

"What is it?" Dumbledore asked looking into the liquid. 

"The Emerald potion." Regulus said glancing down. "Or-"

"The drink of despair." I whispered realizing how brutal it would be to drink that much of it. How did Regulus even go through with it the first time?

Slowly the man reached the shell into the liquid before taking his first sip. He slightly stumbled back before continuing. He groaned and yelled, grabbing all parts of himself as if he were trying to rip his skin off before sinking onto the stone. 

"There's still a small amount left." Regulus began. "I can finish it." 

"No!" The man shouted at him. "I must continue, I must drink it all." He continued holding his hand out towards Regulus for the shell. I felt useless standing there watching the man in pain. I reached my hand into the small pockets I sewed into my dress to feel a small pen. A red pen, with silver details. Gryffindor. Was spread across the side of the pen. 

How odd. 

I heard a small clank before Regulus pulled the locket out and shoved it into his pocket. He quickly filled it with another green potion before reaching towards Dumbledore dragging him back to the boat. I couldn't take my eyes off the pen. I kept it in my hand observing, holding it. Clicking it. Before a pen turned into a sword. 

"The mightiest sword is a pen." I whispered as I read the side of it. "Give me the locket." I muttered towards Regulus. He glanced at me before reaching down into his pocket handing it to me. I laid it on the ground before muttering a good here goes nothing and dragging the sword into the middle of the locket. The locket burst open releasing black smoke all around it. Once the smoke cleared I slowly reached down to grab it noticing the glass was indeed,



Ahhh, I missed you all. Sorry i disappeared for a bit, I got writers block bad and tbh idk how to end this story lol. So far this is the most I have written on any fic I have started and I am hoping to continue to finish the story. If you all want to see anything please let me know now as we are coming close to the middle of the story. 

Defiance: Regulus Black x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant