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I spent every waking moment sitting outside grimmwauld place, waiting for it to open so I could go knock. I even walked up a few times hoping the building would separate. Hoping someone would walk out so I can tell them I am ready to join the cause. That I believe all pure bloods should be in the cause, all muggle horns should die. All that bullshit. I want to tell them I want the mark.

I sat and sat everyday until finally after 2 weeks the building began to spread. No one came out the door, no one went in. They knew I was there.

I slowly forced my way off the bench regretting every decision I made.

I want to kill him.

I made my way up the stairs before reaching to knock. Before I was even able to lift my arm a house elf opened the door. He looked old, tired, worn down. "Good evening Ms. Potter. They've been expecting you." he said motioning for me to walk in. I slowly stepped through the door really regretting things now. "Follow me Miss." He said walking down a long dark hallway. Everything was pristine, spotless. At the end of the hallway was a door he slowly opened.

I walked in to many people sitting at the table, few I recognized. Snape was there, Regulus's parents, Narcissa Black who I believe is now Malfoy, and sitting closest to the door was Regulus. He glanced up at me before looking confused.

He doesn't remember me. It really worked.

At the head of the table sat a man, who wasn't really a man. He was dead. The room felt dead around him, everyone felt dead.

"Miss Potter. Welcome." He smiled. "Please sit, we have a lot to discuss. I believe you know Severus. Do you also know Mr. Black?"

I looked at Regulus before he spoke up. "No sir." He said.

"I didn't ask you Mr. Black. I asked her." He said pointing at me and motioning to the chair next to Snape.

"We were in the same house sir, but we never talked." I said slowly, hoping it was convincing enough.

"How unfortunate" He smiled. "Now dear, why have you been sitting outside this home everyday if you do not know Mr.Black. I had assumed you were waiting for him."

"I was actually hoping to see you." I responded with some light in my voice. "I was hoping to learn more about your cause, I believe our ideologies align."

The table fell silent with all eyes on me.

"Isn't your brother a blood-traitor." Regulus scoffed.

"He is." I said glaring at him. "That's why I left him. You see I've been sleeping in a church. I didn't believe he should be wasting such-" I paused trying to find the right word, something that made me seem like I really was one of them. "Such pure blood on a mud-blood." I said forcing the last word out of my mouth. Hoping I said it hateful enough, Hoping it sounds real.

"Well my dear, we have been hoping someone in your family had the right mindset." The whole table broke out in laughter, almost forced. As if none of them wanted to be there. "You are more than welcome here, however there is a price to pay. If you would like we can send someone to gather your belongings." He smiled, he's trying to get me to spill something. Maybe I left something in Regulus's head that showed where we were. Did I obliviate me obliviating him? Is that something I am supposed to do?

"I don't have anything sir." The table broke out laughing again. "I have money though, at Gringotts, I can go get stuff."

"That isn't necessary there is more than enough room here." He smiled. "Now come dear, I believe you know what comes next" He said grabbing his forearm and holding his wand.

I slowly forced my way out of the seat, I knew this was coming.

He smiled as I inched closer. "Not yet, you passed the test." He said through his teeth. "Now Regulus will show you to your new room, you are not yet cleared for meeting. He will check your memories to ensure you are telling the truth and then report back to me." He pointed to the door where Regulus was already standing and waiting.

"Welcome to my home." He said with no emotion on his face. He lead me up the stairs to a bedroom. "If you need anything I am right next door. Now I am going to come back in a few after you have relaxed. This will be painful."

He turned on his heels leaving. "I'm ready now." I said.

"If you say so." He said getting close. "Now look into my eyes, the more calm you are the less it will hurt."

I looked upwards staring into the eyes I know all too well, I began crying before he even started. He probably thought I was scared. Scared to have this happen.

I felt the moment he broke through. I leaned back pretending it hurt, pretending I didn't know what was to come. I sifted through my mind attempting to push back everything about the Order, and about Regulus. I hoped he couldn't see either of those things as I felt him sift through moments.

"Bells, you are so beautiful" Pandora said.

"I am so excited."

"Who are you going with, you haven't told us yet."

"It's a secret." I smiled glancing towards the mirror to see my beautiful black gown. "I'll give you a secret" I smiled. "Or a hint you could say."

She jumped up clapping her hands before leaning back against the bed.

"I'm wearing him." I smiled bigger than ever before. A true, real happy smile.

"Omg." She said loudly.

Not that memory, not that memory.

He pulled back, he felt me move that memory aside and attempt to push a better one forward. He knows, I know he knows. He always said I am bad at transitioning the memories, making sure it was seamless, like one cohesive memory.

"You know legilimency?" He questioned.

"No." I said plainly.

"Huh." He said turning away. "Kreacher will bring you clothes, Have a goodnight."

Defiance: Regulus Black x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें