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I smiled at my brother as we all sat in the living room passing bottles and small conversation. 

"Well, since you're both here, is there anything we need to know? or you know prepare for?" Peter asked softly. 

"Nothing big really happening right now besides our wedding. He's marrying off all pure-bloods but other than that, no big moves right now." I smiled. "Truly that's all we have. Now can we please not talk about them tonight." I laughed. "I just got married."

"You're right, you're right. Lets get drunk." He laughed. 

We all sat around playing games for what felt like hours before everyone started getting sleepy. 

"We should probably go soon." Regulus smiled. "We haven't even seen our new home yet, or at least you haven't." He continued. 

"You've seen it!" I shouted at him. "That's so unfair." 

"Well do you want to see it now?" He questioned. 

I nodded before bidding my goodbyes to my brother and friends. I'm glad we got tonight, we got to catch up, forget about the world outside for a couple hours. Regulus held out his arm as I grabbed back disapperating to somewhere new. Somewhere I haven't been yet. I opened my eyes as we stood outside a small light brick manor. Even as it's dark outside I can see every feature. 

I can smell the flowers and fresh grass in the yard, see the two large windows on the lower floor, and the smaller ones on the second. I can see the vines with moonflowers across the wall, and the dark brown door. 

"Welcome Home." Regulus smiled towards me. 

He grabbed my hand slowly walking me towards the door. As he opened it we were met with a long hallway, with black and white tiled floors and golden archways. A small long chandelier hung in the middle of the hall lighting up the path. 

"The Entryway." 

He pulled me towards the first room on the left which opened wide with many paintings on the wall. The walls had a dark green trim and golden features sprawled across them as a couch and two chairs sat in the middle. 

"The seating room." 

He pulled me back towards the hall before smiling. "This one will be your favorite." He pulled me to the next room on the left passing the kitchen on the right. I walked into a grand library. By grand I mean grand. It seemed like endless black shelves with plants coming off some of them, filled with many books to the brim. In the middle sat a small green couch, and at the window there was a seat already built in. If it looks this beautiful at night I can only imagine the day time. "Your library. You can change anything you'd like." 

I smiled up at him before waiting to be brought to the next room. He motioned towards the stairs leading me up. We passed a couple guest rooms before entering a large beautiful room. Against the wall held a large bed with silk green sheets, the walls were white and bare with gold accents. "I decided to leave the decor of this room to you." He smiled. "Goodnight Bella." 

"Where are you sleeping?" I asked softly. 

"In one of the guest rooms." He smiled again before walking out of the room. 

I spun around looking at the potential of all the empty space. I slowly walked towards the bathroom hoping to clean myself of the day. Start fresh, start new. I walked in to see a note on the counter top. 

The closet is filled with many clothes for you, I had to include many of those beautiful dresses, but I also included some clothes more your type. Hope you like them. 


I walked towards the closet connected to the bathroom in search of something comfy to wear. I found green silk pajamas and hung those in the bathroom before grabbing a towel and turning the shower on. I slowly took off my dress and heels before removing everything else and slipping into the shower. The water washed over me removing all the pain of the day. Removing all the loss. 

Starting fresh. 

Pandora's POV

He stood in front of them, in front of all them. He slowly looked along the room, a large room with a long table in the middle. The walls stood bare, and the floor felt cold. He could feel the life from the room drain away as a snake slipped along the side of his feet. He spun around to be met with the man we know all too well. 

Lord Voldemort. 

"Ahhh, my dearest follower." The man said walking towards the other side of the table. "Please sit, tell me everything." 

"Ye-s-s um yes sir." His hands shook as he took his seat. "The muggle born girl, Lily Potter, She is with child now sir." He continued. "They are moving out of our home, into their own in um, Godric's Hollow. Sir."

"Ahhh, I see." He paused looking around the room. "And Bella. Has she come by again?" He asked slowly. 

"No sir. We last saw her after the wedding, 2 months ago." 

"I see. And she did revieve her punishment for that one." 

The table laughed.

"Good. She's loyal too now." He smiled across the table. "Now worm tail, continue your duty, they mustn't know anything." 

"Yes sir." 


Peter Pettigrew, is a? Is a death eater. Or at least he will be. I got up out of bed, the migraine hitting immediately. Its already bad after I have a dream, but 10 times worse when I have also had alcohol. 

How do I handle it? Do I confront him, do I ignore it, do I warn James? How do I handle something like this. 

I forced myself out of bed, pushing towards the living room, hoping he isn't in there, hoping he's still asleep. If he is I can check his arm. I ran faster towards the living room to be faced with all of them eating breakfast. 

"So I got inspired." James smiled, sliding a small box towards me. I opened it to reveal a ring, with a beautiful red stone in the middle. I wanted to smile, I wanted to congratulate him. I know I am not supposed to do anything when I see a dream, they can always change. But everything is falling into place. I smiled at him before whispering congrats and couldn't help but make eye contact with Peter.

I wanted to yell, I wanted to scream, I wanted to rip his arm over showing everyone. 

"She will be a beautiful bride James." I whispered walking into the kitchen and pouring coffee. 

"That's not all." He smiled huge. "She's Pregnant." 

My face dropped. I whipped my head towards him. 

"What?" He scoffed. 

"Are you sure?" I questioned. 

"3 Months sure" He laughed. 

"It would be wise to be careful you speak in front of for now on James." I smiled turning back towards the coffee spilling all over the counter. Peter shot up grabbing a towel and running towards me. I jumped back before shaking my head. "I'm sorry." I laughed, "Deja vu." 


A/N: wow, 3 updates in one night. I don't know what got into me but I have lots of motivation right now. Might update one more time but no promises<3

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