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We arrived outside the Manor per usual. We bore our clothes, our names and our power. We walked slowly towards the door which had opened before we arrived at the top step. One of the house elves stood at the front.

"Good Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Black. There will be a meeting first in the meeting room. Please head straight there and await our Dark Lord."

I smiled at him, the best I could fake it before stepping in front and heading that way. Malfoy Manor has always been a beautiful place, maybe if they let in a little light here and there it would really blossom. We made out way down the long hallway before turning towards the meeting room. Meetings are typically held about an hour before the balls for the closest to Voldemort.

Those who bear the mark.

I hate to be one of them.

I smiled as I spotted Narcissa making my way towards her and pulling her in a hug. "Hi Cissy." I smiled at her. She smiled back before I made my way back to my husband. I have gotten closer to her through all of this, through everything. We are both not wanting to be apart of this which cannot be said for her crazy sister who I am unfortunately now related to. Her blood lust may be even worse than Lord Voldemort himself.

I stood behind my chair as everyone else did awaiting our Master. Awaiting for his arrival. A few more came in before I saw Evan. Last I saw him he did not bear the mark, he was not at this table at these meetings. My eyes widened as my face grew puzzled. He mouthed a quick sorry before grabbing the open seat next to me. He reached down and squeezed my hand, catching a few glances before they all shot to Regulus.

Little do they know, Evan doesn't swing that way.

I leaned close to him before softly whispering. "Does Barty know?" He shot his face up at me his eyes wide which gave me everything I needed to know. He does not. I slowly forced my head back forward smiling at Narcissa who I always sit across from. Then the room went cold and we all lowered our heads as he made his way to the head of the table. We all waited until he took his seat per usual.

"There is not much to discuss tonight, I just planned to celebrate the victory with those most important to the cause before the ball." He smiled as we all took our seats after him. "I believe you all received my letter. You will receive one as every mission lands in my lap, telling you a simple thing. An address. You all know what to do other than that."

Slowly glasses of wine and food began to appear in front of us. I'm never able to eat around him, but I can sure as hell drink. I reached forward grabbing my wine glass and tilting it towards Narcissa who usually follows, however instead she picked up her water pointing it towards me with a smile.


We all dined and softly spoke to one another for approximately an hour. No mentions of the order happened, given that it no longer exist. However there are 3 members currently alive and they only know of two. I plan to carry out the plans in my own way now.

I plan to kill Lord Voldemort.

With two of the hurcruxes gone, I just need to find more. The question is how many more did he make. I know of the snake, and I know of the diary. Other than that I'm clueless. I don't even know who he was close to as a student at Hogwarts. That is probably where I should begin.

"Bella?" I heard Regulus softly whisper next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Hm?" "Oh Yeah, I'm okay, just lost in thought." I smiled back at him.

"Remember not to let your thoughts wander, you never know who is looking."


Dinner subsided quickly leaving everyone standing in an empty room. We all silently knew it was time to put on our masks and "enjoy" the night. Celebrate even. Celebrate the death of others at the cost of our "freedom." At least that's what they think. All I could think as I stood against the wall in my black dress was how badly I needed to find Albus Dumbledore. How quickly I could save things if I was too find him. I haven't an idea where to begin though. Not a single clue.

I could ask to teach. At the school maybe.

But it's rare for someone to ask something of the Dark Lord. Disrespectful even. Too bad I couldn't give less of a fuck what's disrespectful to him. I couldn't do it either way. He wouldn't hurt me, he'd hurt Regulus. I couldn't allow that to happen. At least not this sober I thought finishing my glass before walking to grab another.

I felt a soft hand wrap around my arm as I reached for the table. I hate masked balls, solely because I don't know who the fuck is touching me right now. I know it's not Regulus. However still a man.

"We need to talk." I heard the soft whisper of an all too familiar voice. A voice I didn't expect to hear. Not now. Not here. "Now." He said grabbing harder around my arm.

I slowly looked back at the room hoping to catch the eyes of Regulus Black, but they were no where to be found. I made my way around the corner before softly letting out, "Severus."

"I only wish to pass a message." He said looking around as he kept pulling me deeper in to the dark home. "The moon sent me."


Moony sent him? Sent him to me?
He knows where Moony is.

"He said you would find him in the place it all began."

"Place?" I questioned. "What place? What began? A lot has happened you must have more than that." I scoffed.

"I don't know Bella. Do you think I even wanted to see him."

"He didn't say anything else?"


"Nothing at all?" I questioned again hoping there was one small clue. One small thing slipped.

"He said you'd know what it meant when I asked." He laughed slowly. "Obviously that is not the case. Good luck though." He walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts in a dark hallway.

A lot of places held the start of something.

The gryffindor common room? No too obvious.

My parents home? Also too obvious.

I stood there thinking of all places all plans we held in us. All beginnings all ends.

9 3/4

The Platform?

I mean it could be. It could work. I have to check. I have to see.

Personally I don't like this chapter LMAO. It's kinda a filler but a lot is coming!!

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