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•Slight trigger warning.•

Regulus Black

I spent everyday trying to find out what she meant. How she knew me. I never even saw her at school, if I saw her walking on the street I wouldn't have ever knew who she was.

We were in the same house. How didn't I know her.

She was top of the class she said. I don't even recognize her name. She talked about my quidditch games and who I used to be. She talked about me as if I was her closest friend.

But I didn't even know her.

I sat going through all my memories of Hogwarts. Sifting through every last one. I sat and sat the entirety of the 2 hours I gave her after I saw her talk about her brother last night. If anyone finds out, I'm dead.

But I can't wrap my head around it.

I began to notice something in my mind, spots of black. Spots of things missing. More and more began during 6th year. Shortly before I joined. I know I didn't block anything out those years. I needed all the information on the war. I wouldn't have blocked anything out.

So what's missing.

Someone must have gone through my mind. Picked out pieces. Did she go through my mind? I believe she's powerful, more powerful than most of us. But why would she take my memories.

Who is she.

I glanced over realizing it has been 3 hours.


I jumped up apperating to Kings Cross but she was no where to be found.

shit. shit. shit.

I ran through the station checking every last spot. Every possible place she could be.

I'm screwed.

How do I explain that I lost a girl. He'll kill her. He'll kill her and then he'll kill me. He needs her. He made that clear. She can't be gone.

I ran and ran to every station, every train. I ran through some of the trains seeing if she hoped on one to run. How am I so stupid?

4 hours.

it's been 4 hours since we separated. I began shaking. Getting more and more scared with each passing minute. She bolted. She must have. I sat for one more hour, incase she showed until heading home to face my fate. There was a meeting tonight. When she's not there, there's going to be questions. He's going to lose it.

I walked back in with my head down hoping to go unnoticed before I walked through the kitchen door. Everyone was at the table.


She stood behind her chair in a black dress with her hair pulled off her shoulders. She looked at me when I walked in, her eyes confused. She snapped away pretty quickly.

Was she here the whole time?

I stood behind my chair adjusting my posture trying to not look rattled after running in circles for the past 3 hours in search of the girl that was here the entire time. We all took our seats as he sat smiling at the end of the table.

I hated him. I hated everything about all of this. Worst of all I hated that she was here, and for that I have no clue why.

Bella Potter

"James" I whispered tears welling in my eyes. "James" I said again louder running to him throwing myself at him, embracing him in the longest hug we have ever had.

"I have stuff to tell you guys. Get everyone to the living room."

I stood in the living room telling them planned attacks and about the attack in France yesterday. I told them what I can do now and how Regulus was the one who let me come see them. I told them everything I could possibly think of before realizing I only had five more minutes.

"Where's Lucille?" I asked. Everyone stared at me, everyone stayed silent. "Where is Lucille" I stated again more loud this time. Demanding an answer.

"Bells." Pandora said moving towards me. "She was in France yesterday visiting family. She never came back."

"I have to go." I snapped before apperating out of the room to Kings Cross. He wasn't there though. I searched and searched. It had now been 3 hours. I went to the only place I knew. Home. I went back to the Black family home. He wasn't there either.

Did he get caught?

Am I going to get caught?

I knew there was a meeting tonight, what if he followed me. What if he told? How could he even follow me? I apperated. I stood behind my chair hoping to god he was there but he didn't show. Last minute just before Lord Voldemort arrived he walked in. He looked like he ran a mile. Maybe he actually had a task.

The meeting ran by as usual, until the end. Until he mentioned his future plans. I guess I am trusted enough to know these now.

"I plan to marry off the pure bloods, keep everyone pure." He smiled. Most of the table nodded in agreement. Most of the table wasn't 19. Most of the table was already married. "I believe I know where to start. But that can wait till the next meeting." he continued smiling towards me.

He's marrying me off. I am the plan.

I'm going to kill him.

The second the meeting ended I bolted up the stairs. I didn't even eat, I couldn't. He just said he's going to marry me off to whoever he chooses. Maybe it's because I joined late, he needs me to prove my loyalty. There has to be another way. I fell back on my bed letting tears stream down my face as a black cat sat down next to me.

Not on the desk, on my bed.

"You're lucky you didn't have to be in there" I laughed towards the cat. "He has plans for me now, he's going to marry me off." I continued letting the tears stream more and more. The cat continued to just watch me, watch me as I sobbed. I felt anger pull over me before I threw a pillow at him. I wanted to be a cat. Not to have a single worry in the world. My whole life is spending times in a random bedroom unknowing of what's coming, what the plans are.

The rest of the week felt like hell. I sat in my bedroom, barely even came down to eat. It was the day of the meeting, where he tells us his first, no second, forced marriage. The first being Narcissa and Lucius. Although I don't know the specifics of that one. I am to become his second marriage. Proof of my undying loyalty. Although from observing, it's not me he's concerned about, i'm just there for what the man needs. What he wants and when he wants it. I'm not anything special. Just a pawn in the long game of chess, long and strategic.

Maybe he knows I saw James. Maybe that's why he's choosing me. So someone is always watching over my every move.

I got myself up before slipping on a beautiful dress. If i'm going to be handed off at least I want to look good. I tied my hair above my shoulders letting few pieces hang in my face and putting on specifically red lipstick.

"Now for my plans." He smiled towards me again. "Bella Potter will be the first to marry. I have spent some time going over who I intend to hand her off to-" hand me off. Like i'm just a wad of cash, a useless item to be passed around. "Regulus please stand."

He did not just say his name. I am not marrying Regulus Black.

"Do you accept Bella Potter to be your wife." He said staring towards him as I sat in my seat unable to move. It's not like either of us has a choice, but he has more of one than I.

"Yes. Sir." He said softly looking downward.

"Perfect. Bella?" he questioned.

I glared at him, trying to find the words, trying to plan how to kill him now, how to end it all here. I'll die yes, but hopefully i'd take him with me. But now's not the time. "Yes" was all I could mutter looking down at my plate of untouched food.

AN: wow this was a tough one to write. Things are gonna get a little triggering from here on out for a little bit. I apologize but it will all make sense in the end.

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