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Finally. Finally someone I know, finally someone I can trust. Finally someone stupid enough to end up at the same place as me but smart enough to get out of here.

"Ask any questions quick, they'll be back soon." He said softly.

I sat thinking of the most important things that we need to know now.

"Who has my bracelet?" I questioned softly. "The one James had?"

He was silent for a moment. Maybe he doesn't know. Maybe he does, maybe we can be saved.

"I do." He said softly. "I tried to go to Malfoy Manor to save you and they brought me here."

Great. Just great.

"How long have you been here?" I questioned again.

"About a week."

A whole week. One week ago he tried to save us and we didn't even know. He tried to get us.

"Is Regulus still alive?" I questioned. Not wanting to know the answer, but desperate to know the truth.

"I wouldn't say alive." He sighed softly.

Quickly voices were heard at the end of the hall and everyone fell silent. They were talking about someone, someone important someone they needed. The steps ached closer and closer. Panic spread across me like a flame trying to hush itself out. I don't know why I was scared. I would welcome death. My brothers dead. My husbands dead. I'm basically dead.

Death would be pleasant at this point compared to the world I would be forced to rejoin. A bar slid across the back of our door before it slowly creeped open.

"Bella Black." A man said with a smile spreading across his face. "How nice would it be to have someone from such a fortunate family."

I sat with my back against the wall trying to force my way through it as the man came closer and closer. Killian jumped off his bed towards the man before he sent a knockout jinx towards him.


Magic works here.

I don't know if I can perform wandless magic, but if there's ever a time to try it's now. I focused my energy long and hard, I was weak, too weak. I kept pushing everything I could to my finger tips. It's been too long since I've used magic. I kept taking every ounce of it that I can feel within me and pushing it further until I felt a slight tingle at the tips of my finger. I smiled a long hard smile before whispering "imperio." At the gaurd as he came closer.

I focused my thoughts now on keeping control, I have no idea how long it will last. I forced him to hand me his wand before I knocked out the other guard, and proceeded to knock him out as well, taking the keys that laid upon his belt and bolting out the door. I ran to Sirius's door opening it as fast as I can as I called for Kreacher to take Killian away.

Sirius was beaten black and blue. His face barely recognizable, his arms thin as paper. I pulled him close to me before apperating us to my home. Regulus's home. Our home. The house looks the same as the day I left. Kreacher kept up with the cleaning but other than that it was completely still.

"We can't stay here." I mumbled. "As soon as he wakes up we have to go." I continued motioning to Killian on the couch. I ran up stairs opening Regulus's safe grabbing all the money I can and shoving it into a bag, as well as clothes for all three of us. By the time I made it back downstairs Killian was awake.

I don't know where to go.

I focused all my energy trying to find a place in my mind I believe to be safe.

The home of the Order.

They wouldn't check there. Not with everyone dead. They would come here long before they went there. I forced myself to focus on it before I felt myself land in the living room with them.

"What did you mean you wouldn't say he's alive." I said softly. "You didn't say he was dead."

Sirius sighed before sitting on the all too familiar couch and looking towards me. "He's under a spell." He started. "I don't know what kind, but he wasn't there. I saw him, I tried to talk to him but it wasn't him. He was obedient. He listened. He put me in that place and locked the door. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one that brought you guys there too."

I felt tears form in my eyes. I have to get him. I have to go get him. I have to go back to Malfoy manor.

"I know what you're thinking and let me just say it's stupid." Killian laughed from the other side of the room as he poured fire whiskey in a glass. "Going back there is death. Plain and simple."

"We just need a plan."

"Oh you're really mad if you think I'm gonna go there with you." He laughed harder this time. "I'm good here."

"You know they'll find you. With Regulus, we have a chance to take them down. By ourselves we're nothing but outcasts trying to avoid our fate. If I die then oh well, but Regulus knows how to stop him."

"What do you mean knows." Sirius spoke up.

"Horcruxes. He's making them, Regulus knows at least two of them, Dumbledore probably knows the rest. We already broke a few."

"James was right." Sirius sighed as he started to cry. "He told us that and we didn't believe him." He continued.

"Well I'm going to Malfoy Manor. You guys do whatever you want."

"We need wands." Killian said setting down his glass. "And a plan, we have to attend a party. Bella, me and you have the mark, we'll blend right in."

He's right. I know he's right. No matter how badly I want to go now we can't. We have to wait; we have to be smart. We can't just rush in there and hope for the best. We need to plan, we need to strategize.

"Fine." I scoffed. "Where do we start?"

Defiance: Regulus Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now