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2 months later. 

Voldemort has now risen to full power. James and Lily Potter now dead, as well as the unborn child. 

Peter Pettigrew allotted right hand man.

Sirius Black sent to Azkaban, for his crimes against the Dark Lord. 

Pandora Lestrange Now Death Eater. 

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, No longer, No where to be found. 

Remus Lupin, No where to be found. 

Everyone is gone or dead. The order disbanded. The order gone. Nothing will ever be the same I thought as tears spread the ink across the paper in my hand. He has won the war. Technically we have won the war, and now the take over begins. Now our missions will be handed to us daily at our front door that is no longer being monitored. We will be now forced to take over the rest of the English Wizarding World. Next France, then all of Europe. He may even spread to different continents, take the whole world. Even the Muggles have noticed something going on. Many Muggle Borns and Half Bloods have gone into hiding, knowing one day they will be found. If they're not found it's not like they will ever be free. 

Some have fled. To different continents, hoping someone is brave enough to stand up, to take over, to kill Lord Voldemort. 

"Good Morning Miss." Kreacher said appearing in the dining room with a tray of food to place in front of me. 

"Good Morning Indeed." I added. Too many people listen to us still. I must always appear to be on their side. Who knows, even Kreacher could be apart of it all. 

"The mail is here, I will get Master Regulus." He said handing me one envelope stating Bella Black and another with Regulus Black. A dark seal of a snake laid on the back of it. My first mission. My first real mission. This one will not be as simple as just walking into Hogwarts. 

"Good Morning." He smiled as he walked up to me placing a soft kiss along my head. His smile dropped as I reached my hand up showing him the paper, and then the envelope. I slowly opened mine. 

Bella Black, 

Congratulations are in order for all of us as we have now won the war. Disclosed in this letter you will find your permanent future assignments. For today there will be a masked ball at Malfoy Manor. I expect all of you to be in attendance. Some of you have the Dark Mark, those will be my closest people moving forward. 

Big things are coming. 

Now for you Bella. You bear the Dark Mark, Meaning you will be apart of the recruiting team. You will find any Pure or Half blood wizards willing to be apart of our team. If the Half Bloods refuse, Kill them. If any Muggle Borns are found- Kill them as well. 

I trust that you will do what is right for us. 

-Lord Voldemort

I want to throw up. I want to rip this to shreds, pack our clothes and run. Run to the furthest corners our world has, a place with no magic, no wizards. I forced my eyes up to take a look at Regulus. I've convinced him to eat more and more but his features stay the same, his cheeks hollow enhancing his eyes and sharp jawline. His eyes bore dark circles below them that he tried his best to conceal with magic, but magic can only go so far. I don't know how he hasn't gained weight. 

"We have to go get you a dress for tonight." He said softly, light hearted, as if this was a normal conversation to have at breakfast. 

"I think I will need much more than just a dress to bare through tonight Reg." I said sternly back at him. 

He set his paper down rubbing his hands over his eyes. "What do you want to do then Bella." He said sternly towards me, causing my eyes to drop back to the table and my head lay low. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get upset. You think this doesn't make me want to throw up more than I already do daily." 

"What." I snapped my eyes back up to meet his. "What do you mean daily."

"Nothing. Nevermind." He scoffed forcing himself away from the table. He started to walk past me before I forced my arm up to grab his wrist. 

"What. Do. You. Mean. Daily." I said more forced, making sure he knows I am not letting him walk away from this conversation. 

"Do you really expect me to be able to eat, be healthy! With everything going on Bella? You're the smartest person I know but I swear you can be so clueless sometimes."

"Reg." I said tears blossoming in my eyes. "You need to take care of yourself. I have plans. I need you at the end of this. I cannot, no I will not lose my best friend. I have already lost everyone else Reg." I glanced up my eyes pleading for him. "Do you want me to beg?!" I snapped. "I will. I will beg of you to take care of yourself until you listen." 

"Fine. I will stop." He snapped pulling his wrist out of my grip and walking out. "Didn't know you cared." I heard him mumble on his way out. 

I rolled my eyes forcing myself back to the letter. Plans. I have more plans than anyone knows. The war will never truly be over, not until I kill him. Which I will do. Nagini died, to the sword. The basilisk died to the sword. As each of them passed I noticed something. I noticed him weaken, loose power. I need to find Dumbledore, and I need to find Remus. I hoped I would never have to learn to use a tracking potion. I cannot track Dumbledore, but I have a bracelet from Remus. I can track him. I just need to find the time to do so. 


I turned towards the mirror finishing up last touches before walking out of my room slipping on a beaded black mask along my face. I bore a long silk, green gown. I found regulus attempting to adjust his green tie, worn to match. I laughed watching him from behind. 

"Do you want to do it then." He said getting frustrated with himself. 

"Don't mind if I do." I laughed walking over. I've barley touched him since the wedding, this is probably the closest we've been since. I slid my hands up adjusting it to be perfect before he glanced down at me meeting my gaze. We stood, frozen in our spots for what felt like forever. I know we could both feel it, the longing to be touched, to be held, to be kissed. I moved my eyes down to his lips then back up. Hoping he saw the subtle hint. 

He sighed softly before breaking away. 

"You ready." He smiled holding out his arm.

"As I will ever be." I laughed back grabbing ahold of it. 


A/N I have plans, for things to take a little bit of a dramatic turn. If you have any recommendations or want to see anything in this story pls tell me now!

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