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I woke up in the same place as I did yesterday, and the day before and the day before that. The war has taken it's toll on the world. I felt as if I would never escape the decisions I made, the choices I so desperately wanted. In my last year of Hogwarts my parents were murdered by Voldemort. My brother and I left their home moving to a loft together, hoping to not be found. Hoping we wouldn't have the same fate. He's more fortunate than me in that regard. But this isn't his story, it's mine.

I chose a different path than him. I decided to not let it past me, I chose revenge.

James began an order with all of his closest friends. Regulus planned to become part of that order shortly after graduation. They were in it to save the wizarding world, but truly I was always in it for myself.

June 1977

"How does it feel to finally graduate?" James smiled throwing his arm around me.

"About the same as it did yesterday." I shrugged tightening the green tie around my neck. "Where's Reg?" I questioned waiting for him after the ceremony. James has an usual suspicion that he is now a death eater, making it awkward when I bring it up, but Reg has always been one of my closest friends. He would tell me.


"He left with his parents earlier." He sighed. "I told you it wouldn't work."

"He's supposed to come with us, live with us." I said "He wouldn't ditch us."

"You so underestimate my brother, little Potter." Sirius laughed loosing the tie I just tightened, "I wouldn't be suprised if he beca-"

"He wouldn't" I scoffed. "you barely even know him." I said.

"Oh and you do?" he questioned.

I do. He's one of my closest friends, I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. It wouldn't do anything, it wouldn't change anything between them, he left years ago. I sighed turning away ready to apperate to our home before the whole room went black and there he stood. Regulus Black, right behind voldemort and his followers.

Many apperated out as fast as possible, many ran, many screamed but I couldn't. I just stood staring at him, confused. When did he join them? Has he been with them this whole time? I told him so many plans, so many plans we had. I felt James arms wrap around me before I landed in our living room.

My face was wet. Drenched. I couldn't breathe I couldn't think I couldn't do anything. I head everyone yelling for me I heard them asking me question after question.

"Bella." Remus said softly holding my shoulders forcing my eyes to connect with his. "Please tell me you didn't tell him anything"

More tears welled in my eyes falling down my face. More and more. I couldn't speak but those were words enough. Everyone in the room lost the color in their face. Everyone felt what I did.

"Everything." I said softly. "I told him everything." I said again in between sobs. "He was supposed to." I paused trying to breathe. "He was supposed to be here." I said again.

James arms wrapped around me pulling me closer to him, holding tight before slowly moving to the floor with me.

"James" I said in between sobs. "We have to go. We have to go now he knows where we live." I didn't say it loud enough, he didn't react no one did. Then I heard a familiar pop in the living room before the room fell silent and James moved away from me.

There he stood. In an all black suit, his hair along his face, his eyes dark.

"Bella." he said rushing over to me before Sirius grabbed him pulling him back before all wands pointed towards him. "Let me talk to her" he kept yelling.

Reality finally hit me. He came alone. They weren't with him. They don't know yet.

I got up slowly moving towards him before stopping in front of him.

"Please tell me they're not right behind you." I whispered.

"You need to obliviate me." He said softly. "And you need to do it now, I don't have time. He knows I know something he's going to see it."

"You won't remember me." I said tears welling in my eyes again.

"We always find eachother Bells." he said again. "You'll see me again."

I couldn't breathe. I needed to breathe.

"Just stay here" I cried.

"We both know I cannot do that." he said rolling his sleeves up showing me what I hoped would never touch his skin. I reached down brushing it with my fingers as he pulled away.

"Reg please."

"Do it now. If you don't i'll make them."

I stared at him. "hand me my wand" I said to James. I smiled one last time before grabbing his hand. "Obliviate." I whispered. I went through his memory removing every existence of me. Removing myself from his mind. It's strange to see what I looked like to him, who I was to him.

I was everything.

James grabbed me once I finished pulling me out of the room.

"Obliviate me." I cried.

"I can't do that to you Bella. Not when you're like this" he sighed. "It needs to be a rational decision."

I don't care for rational anymore. I just had to make my closest friend forget I exist. I just had to sift through his memories and every through he's ever had of me. If i knew, if I knew what he truly saw me like. Who knows what we could've been. Who knows what we could've done.

"I'm going to kill him." I whispered.

James got closer.

"I am going to kill Voldemort."

Defiance: Regulus Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now