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Now the hard part begins. Getting him out of here. I rapidly started to tap my bracelet as planned to tell Sirius that he is knocked out as I made my way back towards the ballroom. The plan was to meet outside the ballroom. Key word: Was. Once I got there however they were no where to be found and Lord Voldemort was seated at the head of the room per usual. 


Shit. Was all I could think. Either they're dead, or locked up. Either way we got caught. As I slowly made my way into the light the music cut off and everyone looked back at me. I slowly grabbed the mask on my face sliding it off and dropping it on the floor. "Thought you could get rid of me this easy." I said as I slowly slid a golden locket out of my dress and placed it on my neck. "Kill me, you kill yourself, or at least a piece of you." I smiled towards him. His face dropped as his eyes locked onto the necklace I bore. "Wondering how I got this?" I laughed sarcastically taking a few more steps closer into the room, parting the crowd. "Regulus has a habit of putting all important things into a safe, maybe you should've knew to tell him how important this one truly was." 

"Maybe I doubted you, Miss Potter."

"That's not my name." I interrupted. "And I am not done speaking to you. You will break the curse you put him under now, and you will leave us be." 

"You know I cannot do that dear." He laughed. "Liability." 

I met my eyes to him as I slowly started laughing pulling a snake tooth out of my pocket. "You see, the order did kill another one, one I didn't know about." I laughed. "Kind of dumb to hind one right under Dumbledore's nose." As I let his name slide off my lips I felt the room change energy, glancing to my left there the old wizard stood. He stood proud with a smile spread across his face as he let out a chuckle. "Tom. We meet again." He smiled. 

"I think you should give her what she wants Tom. She is defying you in front of all your most loyal members, I am sure some will begin to see this as weakness on your end." 

"Defiance." He mumbled. "Such a subtle art, a hard one to master." He paused attempting to gather the words. "How about a deal. You give me the necklace, and I will return your husband." 

"I want protection." I interrupted. "Your word that you will leave us be to live our lives." 

He smiled while looking at the room. "That I cannot promise, my followers do as they please, however form me, you are safe dear." 

"Break the curse first. I will give Dumbledore the necklace while you do it." 

"Regulus." He yelled. 

Oh shit. I forgot he's knocked out on the other side of the Manor. "Um sir, this is a miscalculation on my part, but he's asleep." The room broke out in laughter around me before I spotter Sirius and Killian through the window outside the manor. I tapped my bracelet once telling them to stay there, or go home. Things will be a lot harder if they get involved, they must've slipped out just in time. 

"Asleep?" He questioned with his smile attempting to falter. He's scared. He is scared of me. I hold too much power right now. 

"Yeah, Asleep. In a room in the west wing." 

He pulled one of his followers closer to him before whispering something in his ear, the man nodded and started to walk towards the door. I reached my hand out grabbing the mans arm, not breaking eye contact once with the Dark Lord. "I can walk him there." I smiled softly. 

"That isn't necessary dear." He said. 

"Oh, I believe it is." I smiled towards him before breaking contact and looking at the man next to me. "Shall we?" I smiled walking out with him. I heard whispering and murmurs fill the room behind me as I continued back towards Regulus. Upon arriving, he was awake now. He sat on the couch smiling. 

"Keeping everyone hostage love?" He questioned looking towards me again. "I love it." He said brushing himself off and standing up, he walked towards us with a smile before glancing at the guy next to me. "New husband?" He questioned. 

"Your bodyguard." I finished. 

He laughed before rolling his eyes and making his way back to the door, he whispered a little you guys coming? As we all made our way back to the ball room, for the third time tonight. Once we arrived every person had their wands pointing towards us. Regulus's smile faltered before I reached onto my neck again. "Try me." I smiled. "I will take this down, and as many as I can with me, don't think you're in a place to demand anything." 

The wands around the room slowly lowered again, however not a single eye left me. I held the power in the home right now. And unfortunately I knew it. The most powerful people, know when they hold power. Right now that is me. 

I slowly made my way up to the Dark Lord with Regulus's hand in mine before stopping. I looked over at Dumbledore and handed him the tooth and the necklace before continuing across the room. "Now for your part in the deal." I looked back at Dumbledore motioning for him to come closer. 

Dear god, let this plan work. 

The man started to break out into a laughter in front of everyone. Slowly the room joined in, forced to laugh along with him. "Dear, please do not tell me you are this naive. I cannot fix him." He smiled a sharp smile towards me. My face dropped before I reached over to Dumbledore's hand and apperated. 

I apperated. 

Inside the Manor. 

Which is impossible. 

How did I do that. 

I opened my eyes to see us somewhere I have not been to since I was young. Rome. 

So first I didn't only just apperate out of the Manor, I also apperated across countries. Both are impossible, I should've died. But here I stand, with Dumbledore's hand in mine and Regulus's in the other. They both paused looking at me. 

"Give me the necklace. He wants war, he is getting it." I smiled ripping it out of Dumbledore's hand. I grabbed the tooth driving it through the middle until a small paper rolled out of it. 

To The Dark Lord, 

I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more. Maybe you will learn, that if you take what is mine, I will take what is yours. A life for a life. 

- R.A.B. 

Regulus. Arcturus. Black.

"Where is it." I said standing up before I grabbed Regulus and pinned him to a wall. "Where the hell is it Regulus." 

He held his hands up with his eyes meeting mine. "I don't remember. I don't know. Obviously I shouldn't be alive, wherever I put it is dangerous."

"I believe I know." Dumbledore said stepping in between us. "There is a cave, off the coast of Ireland. It is dangerous, and you should be dead." 

"Kreacher." I mumbled. "You used Kreacher. That's why you are alive. Why don't I call him?"

"He won't listen to you, you are not his master." 

"Kreacher!" I yelled before he appeared next to me. 

"Yes Miss?" He smiled before noticing I had Regulus still pinned to a wall. "What are you doing to Master Regulus, Miss Black?"

I laughed looking towards Regulus again to see his eyes wide as he looked towards his elf. "You weren't lying." He muttered softly. 

Defiance: Regulus Black x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin