chapter 32- that wasnt very nice

Start from the beginning

My heart broke for her. I knew whatever she was about to tell us is the reason she is the way she is today. I wanted to know and so wanted to sit there and listen but the other part off me just wanted to cradle her and hug her and never let her go.

She cleared her throat carrying on what she was telling us.

Sophia p.o.v.

"My father took it hard when my mom died. He began working constantly in his office and I barely even seen him or talked to him. Before my mom passed my father was so loving to everyone. After she passed he became distant. When I was 14 almost 15 years old my father met Whitney. She is what we call a whore. Before she got with my father she slept around with everyone we knew. Before she got with my father I actually use to feel sorry for her because she lost her mate. My father and mother use to talk to me about when I meet my mate and how amazing it will be and I was always excited to meet mine. When my mom died however it scared me to meet my own mate. I didn't want to meet my mate because seeing the way my father was it made me cower away not wanting to be like that if I lost  mY mate.

My father every single night would go to bed really late and then cry. I could hear him cry from my bedroom and weep like there was no tomorrow. I could hear him howl in pain at loosing his mate every fucking night and I hated it. He shut not only me down but our pack.

But then he met Whitney and he started to change. He came out his office more and slowly the weeping at night died down. Eventually after not even a month off meeting her she moved into our home. Before she moved in I even began to think that she was nice and maybe just maybe she was good for my dad. That he needed her and maybe she needed him. I didn't like the fact she had slept with half off the town mainly the humans as most the pack wanted to wait for their mate or had already met there mate but I moved past it thinking that it was her way of dealing with her loosing her mate.

She finally moved in and before I knew it everything was changing within the first week. She demanded we moved out of this house as it was not her own it was more like my moms house. I was surprised when my dad agreed and they moved out. It shocked me and me and my dad argued about it for 3 whole days but I had no choice and we moved out.

After that my dad started to be distant and a bit cold towards me. He was all about her and even got to the point he was forgetting about his pack. She made him like that though. She made sure to do that.

The pack started to slowly fall apart and his Beta at the time and even myself tried to warn him about it and tell him what's happening. All he would do is dismiss us though or threaten to take us to the dungeons.

It got to the point our pack was depressed and they even complained to his Beta that Whitney was bullying. She was horrible and demanding to everyone. My dad did not care though he roared at them telling them to respect and do as the Luna says. She wasnt even officially Luna as he had not marked her but his scent was always all over her.

I heard them have a discussion once about him marking her. He asked her about it but she refused. He agreed he didn't want to do it but it was suspicious with how she reacted when he agreed. Like she was angry he didn't want it but also relived. Again at the time I never thought much off it.

They had been together for a year when the first attack happened. Rogues attacked our pack and it was a suprise but what was worse was that they walked on the land like they knew where everything was. That was our first red flag. No one died that day but there was many of us injured.

The second and last attack was the day my father died. It was the day we was not only attacked by rogues but witches." I said coldly and looked them dead in the eyes while they both gasped in horror and suprise.

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