V1. Chapter 13 - Not the Regards Part

Start from the beginning

Just when I was about to leave, the door opened again revealing Horikita, the president, and Tachibana behind him. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted me. "You're still here? How is Takahashi doing?" He asked me as I turned my gaze towards the halls. So, he only addresses him with honorifics directly. "He's currently taking some rest. He'll be fine." I answered him to which he nodded. "When you showed up with Suzune, I assumed you had some strategy in mind."

"I'm neither Zhuge Liang nor Kuroda Kanbei. I have no strategy." He narrowed his eyes at me. "So Suzune proclaiming his innocence was Takahashi's plan?" He asked me as I shook my head. "It isn't. His plan was to shut down all their false accusations and bring them to light." I informed him as he adjusted his glasses. "I see. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the right shape to continue properly. So, he truly believed that this was all a setup by Class C. In that case, I look forward to the way you will prove your classmates' innocence." He asked me while stepping closer. "I wonder..."

3rd Person's POV:

The white-haired boy woke up while purring like a cat but was in a dizzy state and looked around, almost clueless about what was happening. He went still when he noticed the blonde male who turned towards the younger, his face full of concern. Sora took off his headphones noticing that music was still going on, to listen to what the other was going to say. "Takahashi Kun? Are you feeling alright now? If not, I can accompany you back to your room." He said as the younger tried to remember the past events that happened a few minutes or hours ago. 

"Ah... So, I guess I slept here when Kouji San walked away." He said it aloud after remembering everything that happened after he left the conference room. Hirata stared at him as Sora tilted his head wondering. "Hirata San, for how long was I out?" He sweatdropped at the kid with a concerned smile. "Um... about 15 minutes. That's all. I think you should get some rest." He said standing up. The latter shook his head at him. "I'm fine now. That was... just some exhaustion from the loud noises. My ears are quite sensitive so I can't put up with heated arguments." Sora stood up too while grabbing the bottle Ayanokouji left there with him. 

Sora gulped down the remaining water which hydrated his body again. Hirata was still looking at him with concern. "I see... Are you sure you're okay now? how about we go to the infirmary just in case?" The kid shook his head lightly while walking towards the stairs. "I don't like going to infirmaries or meeting any doctors..." He trialed off while his tone revealed a bit of displeasing.

Hirata tried to catch up to him and stared at the younger with concern wondering how to make the latter take some rest. "Wait, Takahashi Kun. You should take some more rest." The younger stopped at the stairs letting Hirata catch up. "I'm fine, Hirata San. I was just off my limits due to excessive noise intake." He started going down the steps and halted wanting to say something. 

He looked up at the taller with a small smile, his tiredness fading away. "Also, thank you for staying with me while I was sleeping. But, please. I prefer to sleep alone." And with that, he walked away as Hirata silently followed him back down and parted ways when Karuizawa asked him out to hang out again. 

Sora was walking towards the special annex but he met the president on the way. He slightly bowed as a greeting at the taller and Horikita just nodded at him. "Are you feeling alright now, Takahashi Kun?" He asked as the latter nodded at him. "I see. I'm looking forward to your next move in this trial." Sora tilted his head at his statement. "Um... I'm not sure if you should be looking forward to it, Horikita Senpai." The president adjusted his glasses at the other's strange declaration. 

"Is that so? Then that makes me even more curious." Sora was considering his decision to leave but Horikita called him stopping him in his thoughts. "Takahashi Kun, I have a proposal. Would you like the position of vice president in the student council?" The younger made eye contact with the president as he was confused. "Isn't that position currently occupied, Senpai?" Horikita just stared at the latter while answering him. "That position will clear up after I retire as the president, and you can be a secretary for the time being since it's open currently." 

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