Chapter 21 - Escort Mission(Part 2)

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I quietly opened the carriage door and snuck out, shutting the door behind me as I exited the vehicle-...wait, are carriages vehicles? Never mind, it doesn't matter...-and quietly got down to the ground, slipping under the carriage and crawling along the dirt after putting on a camo cap to hide my hair and match my trousers and jacket.

Getting these clothes covered in dust should help with camouflaging me better.

The Monsters are blocking the path ahead of, behind, and to the right of us, to prevent anyone from escaping, but there aren't any Monsters on the left side, where the cliff is located.

That's probably because it's a dead end on that side, so there's no need to keep a tight wall of Monsters over there.

I need to go a bit around before I scale up the cliff, to avoid being spotted by the Monsters while I'm climbing, as well to avoid reaching the top of the cliff at a spot where I'll be visible to my target, or targets.

Can't rule out the possibility that whoever's controlling the Monsters isn't alone up there, they could have an ally beside them who's acting as a bodyguard or something.

As I crawled past the carriage to the left of the carriage I'd been in, I quickly got onto my feet and swiftly and quietly rushed across the area, getting behind a large rock before anyone could spot me...there's plenty of cover to hide behind as I sneak my way towards the cliff, and with no Monsters in this direction, plus their attention being focused on the Knights, this should be fairly easy.

I took out a handgun with a silencer attached to it as I surveyed my surroundings. Most of the Knights are clashing with the Monsters that were surrounding us in front of, behind and to the right of the carriages, with a few of the Knights standing guard closer to the carriages, but none in front of the left side of the carriages since there aren't any Monsters in this direction, so none of the Knights have noticed me either.

My camo outfit is a pretty similar shade to the earth around this area, so I should be quite difficult to spot. Not to mention that the battle raging on has kicked up a lot of dust across the the area and decreased overall visibility, which further helps me blend into my surroundings without being spotted.

I then continued making my way around the face of the cliff, steadily getting closer and closer to the side of it as I stealthily progressed, keeping a close eye out to make sure no Monsters could spot me and ensuring that I didn't rush.

As I reached the side of the cliff, I gave it a quick glance's at a slight inclining angle instead of being a steep ninety degrees, and it's very uneven.

Now, I've never actually tried rock climbing, but I scaled a lot of trees when I was training while living in that orphanage, so I know that have the upper body strength to pull this off. Still though, it's a little nerve-wracking to do this for the first time, and in a high pressure situation, no less.

"Hey, bitch. If I fall off while climbing up, materialize your body and make yourself human-sized, catch me, and then fly me up there," I remarked, taking out a couple of daggers and leaping up, jamming the daggers into the side of the cliff.

"I'd rather not, but if you fall from a fatal height, I suppose I won't have much of a choice," She responded with a sigh, as I made my way up the cliff, using my daggers to scale up along it bit by bit.


Anyway, back to the task at hand...gotta say, this feels easier than I thought it'd be. I thought I'd be straining to pull this off, but I'm expending minimal effort here. Guess I've gotten more physically stronger than I realized.

I'm already about halfway up the cliff, though it's not particularly tall, only about twenty meters to the top from the ground. So I've got just about ten meters or so left to climb.

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