Chapter 14 - Entrance Exam(Part 8)

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"Huh, you're equipping your weapons ahead of time?" Inquired Arkiela, as I hid several throwing knives inside the sleeves of my hoodie, strapping them across my forearms.

"Well, given her speed, this is a necessary precaution. The split second it takes to chant, open a Slot and then take out a weapon could be fatal against someone who's as fast as she is. It's too bad I don't have any rubber bullets," I sighed wistfully, as I latched a katana onto my belt.

I used to buy rubber bullets to train with, it was a lot cheaper than wasting actual bullets on target practice. But once my accuracy was at a high enough level, I stopped buying rubber bullets as I saw no reason to keep practicing.

I mean, I took on new jobs at least once a week, I never went through a prolonged period of time where I stayed out of action, so getting rusty was never a concern.

I'd prefer not to kill Aura, but I doubt I can beat her without using my guns. I'll refrain from using one of my many submachine guns or my shotgun, I'll stick to a pair of handguns instead. I'll target her limbs, the Healing Potions of this world should be able to fix any damage I inflict to those areas.

I thought about using my flamethrower, but since her Total Immunity Skill includes Heat Immunity, fire will have no real effect on her. Well, I could use it to burn through the oxygen inside the barrier that surrounds the arena when the fight begins, but that'd affect me too, obviously.

And since her Total Immunity included Lightning Immunity, my tasers are ruled out too, so that just leaves my various bladed weapons, grappling hook, grenades and smoke bombs, batons, laced needles and a few other options.

Yes, those are a lot of options, but I doubt I can hit her with most of those, I might just end up wasting them. Hm, maybe I should try something a bit more unorthodox to start with. Yeah, like my-...

I then glanced up as someone knocked on the door of the room I was in, before the handle twisted down and the door swung open, one of the organizers stepping in.

"It's almost time for the final to begin, so make your way down to the arena as soon as possible," He remarked, before leaving and shutting the door before giving me a chance to respond.


Guess a lot of people aren't too happy with someone like me, a guy with no Magic whatsoever, making it all the way to the final. I bet the majority will be rooting against me, I doubt I'll have many supporters in the audience, if any at all.

Well, it doesn't matter, whether people choose to cheer for me or not, it's inconsequential. It doesn't change anything for me.

"Alright, then. Let's get this tournament over and done with, shall we?" I remarked, standing up as I took out a couple more weapons from my Item Box and latched them onto my belt.

"Hey, even if you lose, I can probably sway the organizers' impulses to make them lean in favor towards recruiting you into the Guild," Pointed out Arkiela.

"Yeah, if I lose, do that. After all, me getting into the Guild and subsequently gaining a way to reliably make a living in this world increases my chances of survival, which in turn increases your chances of survival. But that said, I'd rather not leave it upto chance. So, I'll do everything I can to win this fight and ensure that I get into the Guild," I stated, as I headed for the door...


"I have to admit, despite the fact that I got the feeling that I'd see something interesting from you before the tournament started, I didn't think you'd make it this far. But I'm certainly not complaining, you present a pretty unique challenge compared to everyone else, I've never seen anyone fight the way you do...this should be fun," Grinned Aura, an excited gleam in her eyes as we both stepped onto the arena.

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