Chapter 7 - Extrance Exam(Part 1)

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"That's him over there...the guy who doesn't have any Magic and can apparently only use Item Box."

"I still can't believe that's actually true...but I'm using my Greater Appraisal Skill and there's no denying it. Hah, wow...I almost feel bad for the poor fool."

"Man, I'd probably kill myself if I was that weak...hey, maybe that's why he applied for the entrance exam!"

"Yeah, I bet he doesn't even last five seconds in the first round! Wish I was matched up against him, that would've been an easy win."

Today's the day, the 2nd of December, 1029.

The tournament serving as the Guild's entrance exam is just about twenty minutes away from kicking off, and I was currently at the stadium where the arena in which the tournament is being held in is located. I'm in a large hall, which was being used as a waiting room for all the participants.

I finished most of what was left of my money yesterday, I went shopping to go buy some equipment and other items that could be useful in the tournament. Using weapons and tools is permitted, which is vital for me, so I might as well take full advantage of that and be as best prepared for this as I can be.

I got myself a combat outfit, though it looks like a pretty normal outfit. I had on a dark blue hoodie, it was lined with a layer of sturdy Monster leather inside layers of soft, fuzzy blue fabric, it's surprisingly light and comfortable.

I also bought a pair of light, flexible black trousers, which were also made of Monster leather and are apparently highly durable.

Monster skin and pelts are in pretty high supply in this area, so outfits made with those materials are fairly reasonably priced.

They're pretty breezy and easy to move about in, and they're more than durable enough to make for pretty solid armor. The material is difficult to puncture or cut through without a significant amount of force, and considering that I'm at a disadvantage with my lack of Magic, I need every advantage I can get.

That's why, underneath these clothes, I'm wearing a kevlar bulletproof vest, also known as a ballistic vest, which I stole from the same cop that I got the batons from, that I used against the thugs that killed everyone in the orphanage.

I also bought some Magic Potions, small bottles of various liquidz with special, Magical properties. Specifically, I mostly bought Healing Potions, with a few Antidote Potions and Stamina Recovery Potions as well.

Potions are made using certain ingredients that are then infused with Magic using objects known as Mana Crystals, which can be found in cavernous labyrinths that are scattered throughout the island, known as Grottos.

After buying the Potions, I spent most of last night organizing all my weapons and ammo in my Item Box Slots in a way that I'll be able to easily retrieve and switch to different Slots. The space inside each Slot is like a large cube that's five meters in height, width and length, which means I can fit a whole lot of items in one Slot, and I can further compartmentalize each Slot like a shelf or a grid.

When I chant to open a Slot, by visualizing the layout of its contents, I can open a portal into it over the spot where the item I'm seeking has been compartmentalized and sorted.

I've been particularly thorough with organizing and compartmentalizing each of my guns and they're corresponding ammo, I've filled several magazines with bullets to make reloading as fast as possible.

Of course, if at all possible, I'd prefer not to have to reload any of them during this tournament, since that would mean I've used up a full clip of bullets. Even with as much ammo as I've got stored up in the arsenal of my Item Box, that fact that I won't be able to restock is a serious problem that I'm eventually going to face.

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