Chapter 8 - Extrance Exam(Part 2)

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"Ugh, this thing's dragging on's been almost five and a half hours now, and we're only just getting to the final match of the first round," Sighed Arkiela, sounding bored.

Well, considering that the first round consists of thirty-two matches, of course it was gonna take a while to get through. Some of the fights went on for as long as around twenty to twenty-five minutes, I'd say on average it's taken somewhere between ten to fifteen minutes per match, plus an additional minute or two in between matches.

The second round will also be held today, and will almost definitely end well after the sun sets at this rate. The rest of the tournament will be held tomorrow, with the sixteen participants who make it through today's leg of the competition.

I arrived at the stadium today a few minutes before 8 AM, and my first match started at around 10 AM or so. It's currently more or less around 3:30 PM, and the final match of the first round is about to start.

After my match, I returned to a pretty quiet waiting room, a whole lot of people staring at me with wary looks on their faces. Guess they weren't expecting the guy with no Magic to win so easily and overwhelmingly.

Wish I had a camera, I'd have loved to snap a pic of their dumbfounded faces, frame it and then hang it up on a wall. Damn it, why'd I have to be reincarnated into such a backwater world?

Guess there's no point in complaining about it, huh?

Well, anyway...there's a large balcony outside the waiting room that has a pretty good view of the arena, I've been hanging out here and watching the fights that followed mine, so that I'll know what to expect of my opponents in the coming rounds.

And I'll be paying especially close attention to this last fight, as one of the participants is Aura. I'm curious to see what she's capable of...from what I've seen in the previous fights, the majority of these people rely too much on their Magic and neglect their physical skills, their movements are inefficient and wasteful, amateurish at best.

That's the main reason why my first win was so easy, that guy's Magic might've been strong, not that he got to use much of it, but once the fight got into close range, I had a ridiculously overwhelming advantage, his agility and reaction time were absolute dogshit. He was less of a threat to me than some people in my previous world.

"The final match of round one is set to begin, in...Five! Four! Three!" The ref began counting down, as Aura and her opponent took their places in the arena.

Aura looks pretty eager and raring to go, though her opponents looks fairly confident too. Gotta say, I like her outfit...she was wearing a white sleeveless undershirt under a red, unzipped jacket that had a black collar, along with black shorts and black boots that went halfway up her thighs.

She also had black gloves on, gloves with sharp metal claws over the tips of each finger and stubby metal spikes over each knuckle. I'm definitely liking her whole aesthetic, it's got this vibe that's both cool and hot at the same time.

Now, then, the countdown's almost over now, let's see what she can do...

The instant the ref finished counting down, Aura shot forward with impressive speed while keeping low, her opponent chanting and firing out a massive blast of flames at her.

I hummed in intrigue as she didn't slow down, sparks starting to crackle around her as the flames closed in on her. She suddenly swung her arm across in front of her, chanting as she got within inches of the incoming flames...

"[Emerald Black Lightning Blast]!"

A powerful, intense bolt of lightning burst out of her right hand, shooting through the middle of the flames and dissipating most of it, my eyes widening in fascination at the sight I was gazing upon, the blast continuing on as it dispersed the flames and shooting past her opponent as he just barely dodged it, hitting the floor of the arena with a thud as he leapt out of the way in alarm.

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